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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Thats some happy attenuation - maybe a bit of a consolation prize aye?
There's little consolation in tipping out 20l of beer that you've spent a whole day working on... besides the little bit of knowledge that you've gained (and the resolve not to be so lazy next time).
Ouch that would hurt! sounds a bit like my Barley wine!
I have to admit - I've never pitched like this. Mike McDole does though - so who knows?

When I reuse, I'll go on to the Mr Malty website and look up how much slurry I need to use. Either that or keep some for washing and storing.
It was a bit. Worse though. Yours was problematic but drinkable.
In fairness though my pitching rate was basicly the same as Mr Maltys I probably had 400mls of slurry compared to the 309mls required. Is that an over Kill? I will find out!! I will be trying the the Imperial smoked porter again after this one. it still gives me sleepless nights knowing it didnt turn out
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll try the RIS with 3 packets of S-33. I also have a 2nd generation wyeast 1469 (thanks Reviled), I'll use this for a best bitter, and the yeast slurry from that for a Barley Wine.
Stu, was the Barleywine you brewed a drainpour because of the higher fermentation temp due to the high pitch rate or just to high pitching rate in it self?
Mike - I'm sure it will be fine. If you pick up a lot of bad shit in there after the ferment is done, you can leave it in the fermenter for a week of so, to give the yeast an opportunity to clean up the badness. You'd be able to tell by now if the ferment went bad(smell and drink your hydrometer sample). 400ml of slurry doesn't smell like much. Now if you had poured your wort on your entire cake from a previous batch... that could be a different story.
I did pitch on the yeast cake but the yeast cake was about four hundred mls. I think controling the temp here is the key!
Just give it a taste - at least you'll be able to get some sleep!
i've skimmed yeast off the top of a ferment and used that, seems to work well.

new brewing gear has finally arrived from morebeer! as well as grain, yeast and hops etc. can't wait to give it a go this weekend. any tips? (got the b3 two hundy)


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