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Ok - so this might seem a little weird and PC by my usual standards but in team meetings at work I encourage people to give a quick "barometer" check of their week to see how they are going. It helps people crystallize their thoughts into the essential things that are going on. So I thought I would try it here on the forum.
There are only 3 rules:
1. You must provide an answer when asked as you would in a team meeting at work - if you are lucky enough ;-) (volunteer out of turn - it's fine on a forum);
2. You may have as many highs for the week as you can reasonably think of but at least one is compulsory; and
3. You may have a maximum of only 1 low for the week.

So what are my items this week? Glad you asked....

1. California Lager yeast (Wyeast 2112) - wow, just loving it and the fact that beers take so little time to condition up!
2. Quick disconnects for my gas on my corny kegging system - how did I live before hand. If people want to get you a cheap but valuable present for birthday/father's day/any other reason then get them to buy you a QD's for less than $35.

1. Promising 15L of beer to a friend on Friday 30th May and knowing that you don't have a hope in hell as it's that good it won't last that long! ;-)


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I had one this arvo little bit cloudy but tasted good...
I couldn't see my fingers on the other side of the glass. 5 out of 5 if you ask me! There were pieces of hop pellets in the bottom of the glass to so that makes it 10 out of 5!
High: Drinking with Rusty & James et al last friday, good time; outsider feedback on the stout & irish red was excellent too! Also picking up a 6-pack of Epic and a Renaissance Stonecutter to take home for xmas so I won't be stuck drinking speights or tui. Finally, flatmates went out to Gladfield Malt, had a good chat with the owner, picked up a 30kg sack of NZ Pale Malt for $50, or $1.66 a kg! (I'll also put more info up in the ChCh group later, lets just say he was happy with us playing Christchurch homebrew supplier...)

Low: Blonde at the Thirsty Weta wasn't very nice, I can't remember who brewed it though. I wasn't in much of a proper state to analyse what was wrong either... but thanks to James for buying anyway, my round next!
Good night for sure, apologies for baling so early but I was pretty loaded.

Highs: Having an unofficial work breakup party in the hop yesterday. I thought better than drinking IPA all day so I was on the Goldings.

Lows: My mates thinking taht sessioning on IPA was a good plan. You should ahve seen the state of them
Highs & Lows for the year:

1. Started all-grain brewing and took my beer geekiness to a new level.
2. Entering the NHC and getting good feedback on my beers.
3. Discovering Bookbinder.
4. Overcoming my persistent infection problem causing gushers.

1. Tipping litre after litre of bad beer down the sink due to gushing acidic beer.
Highs for last month -

1. First AG done and dusted. Awaiting feedback from Kempicus..Haven't heard from him so hope he hasn't keeled over after drinking it !! CChurch boys - I have a bottle each for you guys held back before my bro drinks it all.
2. Corny kegs reconditioned, polished, clean and new seals all on.
3. Regulator and a bundle of stuff arriving from craftbrewer on 24th - well done Santa..
4. Reading about bookbinder on here and having my first bottle tonight..by golly its good..
5. Finding Canty Cylinders and ordering my CO2 cylinder


1. Not finding enough time to brew
2. Chasing another package from craftbrewer ( keg seals ) around the country as NZ post lost it for 4 days in Auckland.
Ged: James is up north. I think he needed to get away after the great drunken xmas day kite flying debacle. I'll let him explain! ;)

Oh and I'll second the not enough time to brew thing. I'm hoping to get my first brew down today after a month off. Mmmm, APA!
I'm back in the land of technology, feedback on it's way!!!!!
bloody chinese made kites....you'd think they could get that right given their history!!

Just remembered i forgot to grab that IPA off you Greig....bugger!
Yep, and I drunk it! ;) Had it head to head with "Crazy 88". Both were only half pours to leave the hops behind in the bottle! The Free Trade had mellowed, and was almost delicate. Not the robust beastie we had here on December the 6th. The Crazy 88 killed it dead with a bitter attack. I think I preferred mine for balance, but yours for sheer cojones. ;)
And what about my beer Greig?

My high was gettng through the week without "sampling" it again! I've given a few litres away now though...
Dunno, I had to spit it out. ;)

Just kidding, it was delicious too. I'd have loved to do a side by side tasting against Eviscerator, but I only have one left, and I'm saving it for a special occasion. I loved that for a malt lover, your version had a much more hop-forward approach. A symptom of youth? A most welcome one, if so.
It was just a big Black IPA... a Double Black IPA, you might say, or an Imperial Porter perhaps... you know what they say...

I'll send you a bottle to go with your Eviscerator. Use them for two special occasions rather than as a comparison. Comparing beers is like comparing women (or men).


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