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hi there,

i was just wondering if anyone knew of any good online beer stores in NZ?

i'm based in the UK and am hoping to send a case of dux ginger tom to family (who are in NZ), but have so far drawn a blank.

i've tried:

who have dux beer, but not the ginger tom.

also i came across hamilton wine, but can't seem to find any catalogue or anything... and hancocks wine & spirits who do have the ginger tom listed, but i'm not sure if they're a trade wholesaler or if they do mail order or what.


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There's a bit of a problem shipping beer overseas, the receiving country's customs department tend not to like it, from my experience they tend to drink the contents and then send you the empty bottles. Best way around this is to get someone to post it for you and declare it as 'glasswear'.
I hope you're not a developer Kempicus, you failed to read the requirements?
i'm based in the UK and am hoping to send a case of dux ginger tom to family (who are in NZ)

Hi Mike
Try www.beernz.co.nz
It may not be listed on the website but he will definitely be able to arrange (considernig he shares a wharehouse with The Dux).

Nah i'm not a developer and oops what a dumb ass....it's early what can i say! ;0)
You obviously need a TWISTED HOP IPA to set you up for the day !
That would certainly cure all ills! you know you've got a problem with a beer when you wake up at 5.28am and think 'hmmm i could go a TWISTED HOP IPA'
If that's a problem, I don't want it solved!
Yea ?
5.28am shouldn't appear on ANY clock - it's just not civilised !
heh. well, 5:28am was 4:28pm here so.. er.. that makes it fine.

thanks for the beernz suggestion - turns out they do indeed have it in stock. superb! christmas is saved.
Don't lie, you were dreaming about it.....


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