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Has anyone had experience using this stuff?


I'm thinking of using it in a barley wine to reduce trub (am not concerned with aroma), but I don't want to use something that may taste stale or not quite right.


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Yeah I've used it to bitter IPA a few times. I like it and will buy/use again.

I used it in a barley wine ages ago.

wasn't really sold on it though. it worked fine, but meh.

I just used 25 ml of the stuff in a 20L Pliney the elder clone. Still in fermenter, may be a disaster for other reasons. Seems like a good idea for a huge bittering addition, like the 140g (if you used pellets) between 90 min and 45 min in Pliney. Don't think I would use it any later in the boil but that was a pretty big reduction in trub and beer lost to trub.

At that quantity it was a real bitch to clean off the kettle, it left a sticky residue everywhere, so sticky I binned the steelo I used after trying to clean it in the dishwasher. Does it make the same mess in smaller quantities?

i ended up with little black specs in my wort. which seemed to disappear into the trub after fementation. was a little weird, but supposedly normal.


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