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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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All NS IPA!?! Awesome - I'd drop back to 3% on the Crystal and remove the Carapils altogether. Mash Low, and get it nice and dry.

hop wise, if it was me, I'd combine the 5/flameout into one big flameout. everything else looks ok to me.

My own personal preferrence really. I've been good results this way.

I've done some recently 60/30/0

Thanks. Why no Carapils? I just had it in there to add a little body.

I think your right about the 5 min I will either merge it with flameout or add it to the whirlpool at 80 degrees.

i used to have carapils, but then just didn't put it in one day, and had no real effect.

cara-pils is essentially another crystal type malt, and while it adds body, it adds sweetness as well, keep it dry, keep it simple.

Latest IPA is Pale + 2.5% Pales Crystal, dry & hoppy.

I quite like a bit of sweetness in my IPAs.

Here's a little recipe I've been working up for a slightly maltier/redish but not full on malty or red IPA. I have the simcoe and pacifica lying around. Simcoe and Centennial go together Pacifica is a bit odd in the mix but I think it will go. Centennial is definatly the major hop in there. Any comments or suggestions?

Centenial Pacifica Simcoe
14-B American IPA

Size: 23.0 L @ 20 °C
Efficiency: 70%
Attenuation: 78.7%
Calories: 223.43 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.067 (1.056 - 1.075)
Terminal Gravity: 1.014 (1.010 - 1.018)
Color: 12.54 (6.0 - 15.0)
Alcohol: 6.97% (5.5% - 7.5%)
Bitterness: 51.8 (40.0 - 70.0)

6.04 kg (80.2%) Gladfield Ale - added during mash
0.57 kg (7.6%) Munich Malt Type 1 (Organic) - added during mash
0.29 kg (3.8%) Aurora - added during mash
0.29 kg (3.8%) RedBack - added during mash
0.17 kg (2.3%) Light Crystal - added during mash
0.17 kg (2.3%) SourGrapes - added during mash
57.5 g (14.3%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil, boiled 10 m
28.75 g (7.1%) Simcoe® (13.0%) - added during boil, boiled 10 m
28.75 g (7.1%) Pacifica (5.5%) - added during boil, boiled 10 m
57.5 g (14.3%) Centennial (10.0%) - added during boil, boiled 1 m
14.37 g (3.6%) Simcoe® (13.0%) - added during boil, boiled 1 m
14.37 g (3.6%) Pacifica (5.5%) - added during boil, boiled 1 m
57.5 g (14.3%) Centennial (10.0%) - steeped after boil
14.37 g (3.6%) Simcoe® (13.0%) - steeped after boil
14.37 g (3.6%) Pacifica (5.5%) - steeped after boil
57.5 g (14.3%) Centennial (10.0%) - added dry to primary fermenter
28.75 g (7.1%) Simcoe® (13.0%) - added dry to primary fermenter
28.75 g (7.1%) Pacifica (5.5%) - added dry to primary fermenter

Luke talks about hops and when to add them in this podcast


goto 1:09 he reckons you need 1/3 of bitterness at start of boil.   start from about 1:05 for more hop info 

I have tried to brew Debbles style most bitterness between 10-flameout etc a few times, when you get it right its bloody magic, but its real hard to get consistently enough background bitterness.   Go for it.     I tend to now always have some bittering upfront at 60min  as I have had too many beers come out too fruity with not enough background bitterness to hold it together.   I now manly use 10-15g pac jade at 60 as its bitter but a smooth bitterness.   

YMMV go for it you dont know what will happen until you try it,  I have only tried this super late hopping with NZ hops not US hops.

If you get insufficient bittering from hop bursting you can always correct it with iso-alpha extract - even after carbonation.

Where do you get this from Kevin?

I get it from my LHBS, but if you google "iso hop extract" I'm sure you'll find it somewhere more convenient. The last stuff I bought is made by SDL and branded as Brewmaster. They produce a few other extracts which add aroma as well as bittering. I'm using their "Medium Hop Extract" (Wakatu) to correct a Leffe Blonde clone with underwhelming bittering.

That is interesting. So can you just chuck a bit in a keg you feel needs an bit more bitter?

Exactly. I usually use a small pipette to work out the required addition to 250ml in a glass, and then scale that up to a keg.

It can be done that way Cain,

I have had a good result the one time I've tried by pouring off 5L into a pot,

bring it to the boil and add the Hop extract as soon as it hits the boil,

Boil for another 5 min's, cool and return to the keg.


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