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Anyone used / have an opinion on this stuff

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No, But I have used the M21 Wit Yeast recently.

I am intrigued by what this yeast offers.

soi far so good. Its been kegged 10 days or so now.

It didn't attenuate as far as i was expecting, but that ould be an issue for me

I'll post a link to my review soon, when i get it published on my blog.

Chig - 

Gave a couple of taster to brewer mates last night at dinne,r and got some good reviews, I thinkthey were quite surprised by the subtle yeast character.

It is very much wit like, with a touch of wheat beer. some additional clove/banana spices in there.

I'll be definitely using it again at some stage.

For what it's worth, I like behemouth's roll in the hay which is made with m27.

Likethat beer,

Hate the yeast! Its horrible to work with.

I don't know how andrew gets it to sing so well for him.

Looks like I will just have to give it a try. Lately Ive been very disorganized with my brewing and just deciding to brew on the day if I have a bit of time in a weekend, so no time to build a up starter and I'm really not prepared to buy 3 or 4 liquid yeasts to get up to pitching rate (40L) so dried is the way to go.

Fair enough too, so many recipe such little time. lol

the abbeyyeast is quite good. a friend of mine did a pale ale with it, which has turned out well, maybe a touch too much banana, but nice as a simple belgian ale yeast. I'll actually be using it this wekend for my bretted belgian amber. for some long term aging.

Yesterday I pitched 4 packs into 40L of highly fermentable wort (mashed low and plenty of adjunct) and let it ferment at 22 degrees. Within hours it was bubbling like most of my IPAs do at their peak and today it just going nuts. Defiantly glad I use a blow of pipe rather than an airlock with this one.

Sounds good. 

Can you give some recipe details?

and how far it attenuates when its done.And a taste test of course. very interested in this yeast.

This is what I ended up with. Messed up the crush and got a lousy 53% efficiency.

It was supposed to only have 2 kg of dextrose, OG 1.084 and 10.5% ish ABV.

Tripple with motueka
18-C Belgian Tripel

Size: 40.0 L @ 20 °C
Efficiency: 53%
Attenuation: 85.0%
Calories: 247.69 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.075 (1.075 - 1.085)
Terminal Gravity: 1.011 (1.008 - 1.014)
Color: 7.42 (4.5 - 7.0)
Alcohol: 8.42% (7.5% - 9.5%)
Bitterness: 31.5 (20.0 - 40.0)

12.5 kg (74.4%) Pilsner Malt - added during mash
1.00 kg (6.0%) Wheat Malt - added during mash
0.3 kg (1.8%) Melanoidin Malt - added during mash
3.0 kg (17.9%) Corn Sugar - added during mash
33.38 g (61.8%) Pacific Jade (13.0%) - added during boil, boiled 90 m
20.66 g (38.2%) Motueka (7.0%) - added during boil, boiled 15 m

Tasted while transferring to keg and it was a bit disappointing, I'm going to describe it as thin and bland with earthy undertones. The earthyness was from the yeast but none of the spice and fruit that I was hoping for, maybe it needs to be even warmer to get the esters and phenols, 22c and 24c seemed pretty warm to me but I have no experience at all working with Belgian type yeast.

I forgot to take a refractometer reading but attenuation seemed high as a very sweet wort is now pretty dry.

Added dextrose to the keg and will let it carb up before judging it.

Defiantly need a win from the next brew after 2 tipped in the garden due to tainted hops and now this.

What about tastes of Banana etc.?


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