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Hi, I am new to the home brewing. So was after some advice.

How much water do you need for a DME boil, and what should the temp be before you add the DME?

Thanks in advance!

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It will depend upon your recipe - are you also steeping speciality grains and hops or just DME?  The amount of water can vary depending on what you are wanting to achieve (i.e. you can heat the full amount or heat a smaller amount which will make a concentrated wort and top up with water later).  The best advice I can give is to have a read through this:  http://howtobrew.com/book/section-1/a-crash-course-in-brewing/brew-...  I followed this process for my first brew. 

Have fun!

Strongly depends on the recipe. What is the recipe you are using?

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Not sure yet still reading and learning.

Want to do a DME pilsner with some specialty steeping grains,

As I enjoy my beers quite hoppy, I was thinking some late hop editions.

But still trying to get the full recipe sorted, and more gear.


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