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Hey guys I have found these burners and like the look of them I think they are a high pressure burner, with adjustable regulators. same on both just the stands are different. I am leaning towards the one on higher stand....your thoughts please?





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I've got a hurricane burner, it goes ok. I use converted kegs on it, which just sits on the rim of the stand. not 100% happy with the stability of the stand, but saying that I haven't burnt myself yet. 

With the kegs the burner sits a bit too far away from the bottom of the keg, I've made up an extra bit of wind shield to help this. however if you use a pot it should be ok.

It might be worth paying a little bit extra to get the camp chef, as the stand looks a bit more solid.

Yeah the camp chef looks stable and a better height too, same burner and reg. as other floor burner so really paying for a better stand eh? I'm gonna find out just how sturdy it is though and heavy weight would be great too. (not for shipping though!)

I've got the round one - really happy with it.

does it burn well like good blue flame, and no yellow and soot ? I have a 50L pot and thought this is better than say a 3 ring burner??

I've got the round one with a 60 litre pot, can't fault it, it goes bloody good.

hey Jonny being a floor burner after your boil and cool down, do you use a siphon or use a ball valve to empty your pot? Just thought having it higher would aid in transfering to the fermenter? I have seen them(you-tubers) use their floor burners up on a picnic table with a sheet of metal on the table and looks like an option?

I lift mine off the burner to cool down the wort with chiller then carry inside and transfer into fermenter by ball valve.

and easy enough to lift with all that wort in your pot? I thought it would be pretty heavy, my pot is heavy when empty, and do you use your burner in the garage? I was planing on doing it there or out on our cobblestone area closer to the hose to for the wort chiller(has tap fittings) 

Yip, burner in garage, I'm only doing smallish batches so am lifting the pot plus 20ish litres of wort. Have done 40ish litres but had to get the mrs to give me a hand lifting it inside for the transfer.
So quick to ring to a rolling boil? Much black soot on pot? Use much gas for the 20 something litre batches? Do you wrap the pot up while doing a mash? Get a full blue flame on burner? Ultra stable to use or do you think the camp chef would be better for stability? Cheers and sorry about all the questions, big help.
Takes a wee bit of time to bring to rolling boil but got to be expected really, it's the only burner I've ever owned so dunno if it's quick or not. Had a couple of issues with black soot but I found a thread over on homebrewtalk that people had the tap on the gas bottle cranked up too much and if you just have it on a little bit it solved the problem. I don't have any insulation on my pot during mash, I just check temp every so often and give it more heat if the temp has dropped a little. Gives a nice blue flame and is very stable. Hope this helps.

cheers for that!! hey with your 60L pot do you do BIAB? I have a 50L pot and had bought a large grain bag from Brewshop, and it didn't fit :-( stated it was about 700mm wide but in actual fact measures 565mm found another on Keg resources that says it's 800mm so gonna try that. Have you had any problems with bags or don't do that method?


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