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This beer was meant to be a laid back Kiwi take on an American Pale Pale, A pretty straight forward recipe, crash chilled this and wound up leaving it for about 6 weeks at 0.5 degrees due to life getting busy so some of the hop aroma has left the building. 

Biggest concern at this point is carbonation, a bit of a rushed cluster when it came to bottling. may have under primed, had been kegged for a couple of days and wasn't sure how much CO2 was already in there, will have to see how it comes out

Don't refrigerate for another week (any time after mid July should be okay)

All Grain 44 llitre batch

Abv 5.4%



IBU 40.1

EBC 10.6

pretty low efficiency, need to work on that next 66%

Water Ca 75 Mg 5 Na 10 SO4 150 Cl 50

Malt Bill

Pils -             10kg 84.7%

Cara Pils       0.4 kg 3.4%

Crystal 40L    0.4kg 3.4%

Vienna          1kg 8.5%

60 Min mash at 67.8 then batch sparge

90min Boil

60min 35gm Nelson Sauv 21.4 IBU

15 min 40gm NZ cascade 5.6 IBU

15 min 40gm Motueka 7.1 IBU

15 min 20gm Nelson Sauv 6.1IBU

0 min 40gm NZ cascade 5

0 min 40gm Motueka 

0 min 25gm Nelson Sauv 


5 day dry Hop

60gm Mot

60gm NZ Cascade

30gm Nelson Sauv

Views: 166

Replies to This Discussion

I like it Peter!

Pours deep gold/orange, slightly cloudy. Reasonable white head with heaps of lacing.

Nice tropical fruit aroma.

A small amount of malty sweetness to first taste, then the tropical fruit, then a small amount of citrus and smooth bitterness. Moderately estery.

I like the balance and I think it is very drinkable.

Hi Peter - sampled this a week back - referencing notes.

Appearance - A golden brown that's head went fairly quickly. Good carbonation.

Aroma - Fruit and Tropical aroma but with a bit of an estery note.

Taste - Nice - not overpoweringly hoppy and bitter - but as you stated it is a laid back style.

Overall - a nice session beer. I liked it.

Hi Pete

Had this on Sunday, I think you hit your mark for an easy drinking NZAPA.  Good thirst quencher after some DIY.


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