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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Hi Mark, I'm really happy with it.  Nice balanced bitterness, good mouthfeel, and a nice fruity hop aroma.

The best beer I've made so far.

Hi Mike - was that Magnum to bring the overall to 40 ibu - or is that where it started prior to adding the others

Hey Mark, I brought the total IBU up to 40.

It has a mother load of hops eh - I am going to do a 62 l batch which will equate to about 900grams of hops :)

In the process of brewing a Saison. 

26.5L batch

6.75kg Pilsner 2-Row (78%)

1.25kg Torrified Wheat (14%)

500g Caster Sugar (6%)

150g Acidulated Malt (2%)

35g Northern Brewer @60

20g Hersbrucker @5

2x WLP566 (Saison II Ale Yeast. This is one of my favourite yeast strains, I also use it for cider.)

OG 1.074

FG 1.006

IBU/SG 0.33

Two-step infusion mash with 21L water. 40 mins at 62C, 20 mins at 68C. Mash out at 72C.

Batch sparge at 70C with 26L water. 

Boil for 75 mins.

Pitch yeast at 20C and allow fermentation temperature to rise. Raise room temperature to 24C after 3 days. This is a big beer so I will age it for three months before opening bottles.

Wow it's like a foreign language to me....I guess in time I'll understand what on earth all those numbers mean, I think it's going to safer and tastier if I start with a "Starter Brew-kit" cheers

Its actually a lot easier than you think, just try not to over complicate things, simple recipe with good yeast and temperature control and you can make some good beers,

then when your a bit more confident on the process try a few things and if your unsure just ask, theres loads of guys on here who are more than happy to hand out excellent advice to get you on your way

Thanks Hamish.

Making Watevs Bru - Red Army Ale.
It's an Irish ale with pacific gem and willimette hops.


Nice one!

Share the recipe!

Making a Sudkeruz Pilsner from www.growlermag.com this weekend.  This will  be my first Pilsner, uses Motueka hops and Wyeast 2042.  I'm  planning on using Peter Smiths Lager method from March 2015 - thanks Peter.    

On tap now is a Pale Ale Maris Otter/US05 with Simcoe/ Riwaka and an American Brown Ale, Gladfields/ W2112, SouthernX & Amarillo.  Both from Brewing Classic Styles.  


I think that's Tasty McDoles method 8). I sort of did a Czech lager this way bottled it 8 days ago it's still way to green but was very drinkable at bottling.... I hope the Acet settles down in a month . I lagered for weeks laziness and lack of time ... Vs method , used clariferm got a lot of chill haze. No rests, next one going to get the full rest step treatment mine was 100% pac gem, cheap to make....

bottling a few uk pale ales then brewing a big 75 IPA 50ibu mid/late Amarillo with some early pac jade for 25ibu


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