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W1968 too, but cleaned up by midday.
Gladfeild Pale, Munich, Dark Crystal and a little Pale Chocolate with some (mostly late) Riwaka.
Chilled really quick, it's winter and that's a bonus

Been slow posting this....

This is a re-brew of one of my earlier AG attempts, a fantastic intro to Saison's and one I highly suggest to try.


3L        OG 1.060      21 IBU

2.3 kg Pilsner Malt

1.4 kg Pale Malt

900 g Munich Malt

900 g Wheat Malt

500 g Table Sugar (sucrose)

120 g Dark Crystal

14 g Nelson Sauvin @ 20′, 10 and 5′

28 g Nelson Sauvin @ 7 days

Nothing fancy in the mash, rest @ 66C for 90′, sparge @ 77C.

A WPA (well, basically a cross between a Belgian Wit and an APA). Currently two days into fermentation, and a pleasant hop aroma is coming out of the airlock.

23L Batch

3.50kg Pale Malt

2.50kg Torrified Wheat

200g Oat Hulls

100g Crystal 40L

1x WLP400

1x Safale US-05

25g Centennial @60

15g Cascade (US) @15

15g Citra @15

15g Cascade (US) @0

15g Centennial @0

15g Citra @0

Pre boil G: 1.046

OG 1.056

FG 1.011

IBU/SG 0.657

Mash in: 16.5L water @73.5C

60 min mash: 45 mins @64C, 15 mins @68C

Fly sparge: 25L water @72C

90 min boil

Fermentation: 2 1/2 weeks @22C. No secondary.

hi everyone, thought I'd post my proposed recipe, and get some advice (I can't seemto find the recipe advice thread, plus it appears to have gone dead....)

so here goes:
76.3% Pale
7.3% Vienna
13.3% Munich
Calypso - 3/4oz @60
Calypso - 1oz @ 20
1.25oz Eldorado @ F/O
1.25oz Nugget @ F/O
1.75oz Lemon Drop @ F/O
4oz Eldorado @ dryhop 3-5 Days.

Thoughts and advice appreciated.

What are you aiming for?  Looks a bit like a marzen/oktoberfest malt bill with pale instead of pils, and the hop schedule of a pilsner?  Might work using that combination without any crystal... 

Not very familiar with those hops I'm afraid.

Just finished a "London Porter" brew day to a recipe that may be similar to one from the "The Occasional Brewer".  I'm making it because I tasted a bottle brewed there by a friend a several months back and it was excellent.  I was going to do a Jaipur IPA clone instead but I'm still trying to sift out a suitable recipe for that. 

"Occasional Porter" 23L @ OG1.060 S-04.  I wish I'd made this thing 3 months ago.  In Wellies recent bout of sub 10 degree days cold beer is the last thing on my mind. 


Re brew of Zombie Dust clone with a little Rakau to add a little complexity to the hop profile

Citra Rakau
14-B American IPA

Size: 40.0 L @ 20 °C
Efficiency: 76.4%
Attenuation: 78.7%
Calories: 215.77 kcal per 12.0 fl oz

Original Gravity: 1.065 (1.056 - 1.075)
Terminal Gravity: 1.014 (1.010 - 1.018)
Color: 12.18 (6.0 - 15.0)
Alcohol: 6.73% (5.5% - 7.5%)
Bitterness: 73.0 (40.0 - 70.0)

9.5 kg (81.9%) Gladfields Pale Ale - added during mash
0.9 kg (7.8%) Munich Malt Type 1 (Organic) - added during mash
0.4 kg (3.4%) Melanoidin Malt - added during mash
0.4 kg (3.4%) Caramel Malt 60L - added during mash
0.4 kg (3.4%) Cara-Pils® Malt - added during mash
30.0 g (6.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 60 m
60 g (12.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 15.0 m
60 g (12.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 10.0 m
60 g (12.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 5.0 m
40 g (8.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added during boil, boiled 1.0 m
25 g (5.1%) rakau (10.8%) - added during boil, boiled 1.0 m
40 g (8.1%) Citra™ (12.0%) - steeped after boil
25 g (5.1%) rakau (10.8%) - steeped after boil
155 g (31.3%) Citra™ (12.0%) - added dry to primary fermenter
0.0 ea Fermentis US-05 Safale US-05

Ambient Air: 21.11 °C
Source Water: 15.56 °C
Elevation: 0.0 m

450g citra
50g rakau
strike 28L 80c
sparge 28L @ 75c

Results generated by BeerTools Pro 1.5.24

Planning to brew another WPA some time in the following weeks. I found my first version to be a little too tart and the orange-like citrus flavours (presumably from Citra) overpowered everything else. I probably over-hopped at flameout.

So, this is a preliminary recipe for 23L.

3.50kg 2-Row (60%)

2.25kg Torrified Wheat (38%)

150g Oat Hulls (2%)

Safale US-05

20g Simcoe @60

15g Pacifica or Motueka @15, 20g @0

15g Cascade (U.S.) or Amarillo @15, 20g @0

Whirlfloc Tablet @10

Nothing new about the mashing or sparging process for this attempt. OG is 1.053, FG 1.011. IBUs 38.8

I have never used American and New Zealand hops together before so if anybody has an idea of what aromas these combinations might lend to the beer, I would be keen to know. I am leaning towards Motueka + Amarillo at the moment for aroma/flavour

Just brewed a Belgian wheat beer all grain ..This recipe is reputed to be similar to the hoegaarden style. I can't say how close it is, as It's only been fermenting for 5 days.I'll post up a taste profile once its conditioned for a few weeks..

21L batch


5 lb pale malt

4 lb flaked wheat (milled)

1 lb flaked oats


0.5 Oz Nz Goldings 60 min boil

0.5 Oz Saaz last 5 min of boil


1 Oz crushed indian corriander seeds last 5 min

1 Oz bitter orange peel powder last 5 min

4 camomile tea bags last 5 min

Wyeast - 3944

OG 1.047

FG 1.010

ABV 4.9% IBU 16.7

Mash in 15.1 liters for 90 min @152f with strike water of 163f  then Drain into your boil kettle

Batch sparge  @ 170 f till you get a total boil volume of 24 liters, You should lose about 3 liters during the boil for a final batch of 21 liters.

I will be interested to hear how that turns out (and maybe sample one). I've had very little luck with that style mostly I think due to under pitching yeast issues.

Hows all grain going for you?

I have an ESB in the fermenter at the moment. I originally put the recipe together for the Western Brewers Conference comp this weekend but didn't get my arse in gear quickly enough.

Gladfield ale malt, medium & dark crystal malts, chocolate malt and flaked barley make up the grain bill. Bittered with Pacific Jade and First Gold for the later hop additions. I wanted to ferment with the White Labs ESB strain but couldn't get any in time for brewday so I had to make do with S04.

Hi Cain, yea no worries mate..I will keep a sample aside for you to try. I cultured my yeast from a slant sent to me from a fellow forum member. It was three step process that took about a week to get enough cells for pitching..My ferment barrel was bubbling after about 4 hours!! I took a gravity reading this morning and its down to 1.012 already after 6 days.. I had to try a cheeky little sample just to see if it has that distinct hoegaarden taste!! the results so far seem very promising but I do not want to get too carried away just yet..

Really enjoying the move to all grain mate, just hard finding the time with the little one. I'll still be pimping up a few extracts from time to time tho..


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