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Hey all, probably an old question but my 23 litre of beer is still chewing away on the sugars because the airlock is still bubbling away. I used Mangrove Jacks M79 Burton Union yeast which I haven't actually used before. Anyone here used it? Usually the mongrel yeasts that come with a can of malt give up the ghost after seven days. It's now nine days and it doesn't look like it's ready to stop yet.


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Seriously, if it is still going, it's still going.  Could be lots of things, but the beer will be ready when it's ready.  Are you temp controlling?  If not, is the area pretty cold?

If you are cool then fermentation of more than a couple of weeks can be quite reasonable ... so RDWHAHB


Thanks man, sorry I took awhile getting back. Yeah it's bottled now but I'm worried that being so long in the fermenter, and being quite cold it may not secondary ferment in the bottle. Probably worrying over nothing, I know. I've got the bottles in a closet with a heater going so fingers crossed!

RDWAHAHB - best advice ever! ;)

Thanks again. :)


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