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Since this is the most popular thread on the RealBeer.co.nz forum I thought I would start it here just to see what happens

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Modern day porters and stouts are easily differentiated.  Porters tend to be richer, smoother and have more chocolatey flavours..sometimes...and Dry Irish Stouts, for example, tend to be drier and grainer and have a really coffee like bitterness.

Traditionally, tho, a Stout was simpler a stronger version of a porter; which, incidentally, was a stronger version of a Pale Ale or Bitter...not sure which.

Don't want to be picky, but 'traditional'?  Wouldn't traditional be Marris Otter and Roasted Barley?

Ok, so I will concede the point that Porters are not derived from Pale Ales, that was an error on my partt.  However, there is no such theing as an authentic or traditional London Porter.

In regards to the earliest use of Pale Ales...read this article. Don't worry so much about the subject of this article, but suffice to say, there are some interesting points in it about the earliest dates of IPA's being shipped to India.  Also, it states there is evidence that Pale Ale was being sold as early as 1709.  


In regards to Porters and Stouts...there really is no difference except what we have created pre-war.  


There is an interesting comment from Ron Pattinson (his blog contains masses of historic information on British beer) that the Guinness's Porter and Stout recipe for many years were practically identical. The only difference being the alcohol content.

And finally, just to share, for interests sake, https://zythophile.wordpress.com/2007/11/02/the-forgotten-story-of-...

For more information, check out Ron Pattinson's blog, "Shut up about Barclay Perkins."

Common Cider

2x 10L Apple Juice (I got this from the local farmers' market)

1kg Dextrose

Pectin enzyme

Wine tannin

2x WLP566 Saison II Ale Yeast

Est ABV 8.5% - I plan to pitch at 21C and raise over the week to 26C.

All going well - a drier, slightly sulphurous aroma is beginning to come out of the airlock. Bottling next week.

So, following suite, today I brewed my Guinness Clone...Guinnessn't

Basically, 65% base, 25% Flaked Barley, 10% Roasted Barley.

Enough hops at 90 minutes to give somewhere around 40IBU (think I got 42 today using Target and EKG)

Ferment at min 23C for two days - hot, fast ferment.  Done this three times now and it works - it's apparently what Guinness do with every brew - except they brew at 25C.

I got 26.5L at 1.044 (exactly the gravity, 1.5L above expected volume).

What's the yeast Richard, Irish Ale?

A nice, crisp hoppy lager. Hopefully I can get around to starting this some time in the next few weeks.

5.00kg Pilsner Malt

500g Wheat Malt

125g Acidulated Malt

20g Pacific Jade @60

15g Motueka @15

15g Pacifica @15

Whirlfloc tablet @15

20g Motueka @0

20g Pacifica @0

2x Saflager W34/70

Light body, so I'm planning a single-step infusion at 66C. Batch sparge at 70C. Target post-boil volume is 25L.

OG 1.049, FG 1.009. IBU/SG 0.696

Brewing this tomorrow... am hoping for a big fruity aroma hit:

Fruity APA
5.00 kg Gladfield American Ale Malt (2.5 SRM)
0.34 kg Gladfield Light Crystal Malt (32.0 SRM)
0.23 kg Gladfield Gladiator Malt (5.1 SRM)
Mash Water - 20l @ 68 degrees celsius +4gm Gypsum, +4gm Calcium Chloride, +4gm Epsom Salts
Sparge Water - 14l @75 degrees celsius
1/2 Whirlfloc Tablet @ 10 minutes
Magnum @ 60 to bitter - circa 40 IBU's
25 gm El Dorado @ Flameout
25 gm Amarillo @ Flameout
28 gm Citra @ Flameout
6.25 gm Cascade @ Flameout
25 gm El Dorado - Whirlpool @ 80 degrees celsius - 10 mins
25 gm Amarillo - Whirlpool @ 80 degrees celsius - 10 mins
28 gm Citra - Whirlpool @ 80 degrees celsius - 10 mins
6.25 gm Cascade - Whirlpool @ 80 degrees celsius - 10 mins
1.0 pkg U.S. West Coast (M44) (Mangrove Jacks #M44)
50 gm El Dorado @ Dry Hop 4-5 days
50 gm Amarillo @ Dry Hop 4-5 days
56 gm Citra @ Dry Hop 4-5 days
12.5 gm Cascade @ Dry Hop 4-5 days

yummy - I have everythings except the El Dorado - so might try this to soon

Brewed this today.  Managed to hit all my volume and gravity targets and ended up with 80% efficiency out of the grainfather.   Smells great!

Hi Mike - How did this one come out ?

Cheers Mark


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