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$50+GST / month
Maybe it's the beer or the sleepless nights from baby diaper changes... WTF though. It's worth a shot. People sometimes win the lottery too.
I want to keep brewing but am finding the time required harder to come by these days. These seem like a reasonable solution.
If anyone wants to sell I am happy to pay a fair price.
+1 for the Grainfather. I love mine!
Beau might want the larger capacity of the Braumeister, which is the only limitation of the GF
The extra capacity is a part deciding factor. The braumeister also has the automated step mash process, a submersed heating element (better electrical efficiency), and the bottom-up flow which I have heard lessens the chances of a stuck mash and running your heating elect dry.
At the moment, using my induction stove-top and sous-vide immersion heater I'm fairly confident I can do what the grainfather does plus lets me use my sous vide machine for sous vide!
The braumeister would be mainly for saving time and not having to eye the mash and boil to the same extent I do now (as I can't when minding the children).
I would be interested to hear if others think these perceived advantages are just that - a perception.
I have also brewed on a mates Grainfather a single time. I liked it a lot. From a build perspective you can tell its 1/3 of the cost of a BM, from a process perspective its pretty close to the BM. IF you want to brew 50L there is only one game in town. Tiny in Aussie does double mash runs in the 50L BM then boils external for up to 150L at a time.
Lots of GF brewers are not yet multi step mashing and they are making great beers, not even sure you need to multi step with todays modern malted grains. There is a very interesting thread on facebook where a guy has recoded an stc-1000 to control a GF this allows step mashes etc etc etc just like a BM
for the price of a BM you can get a GF and kegging system.... also important for making good beer. kegging saves a lot of family time as well vs bottling. Bottling 50L batches is a right painfull process.
Hey thanks for your timely reply!
It's great to get real-world perspective on both these units because I have never myself used either!
At the moment my begging setup is sorted, as is my fermentation control. The part that really seems to be a dog is brew day and my mashing process. 2-3 G is not really an issue so long as the process in simplified and the unit does what I need it to! The GF is sounding more like a possible contender.
Closeout sale - grab one http://www.morebeer.com/products/braumeister-50l.html?site_id=7
also watch on this forum https://forum.braumeisters.net/viewforum.php?f=21&sid=0e0b87f61...
I have a 50L with the 20L malt pipe, finally getting around to sorting power socket, have been using a mates socket at commercial kitchen. They are a great piece of engineering, I reckon that morebeer deal is pretty good, most 50L going through here in NZ are asking 3k when they are available, maybe 2.5K if a new model is out, but they are not common on trademe etc. I have a few commercial guys who have asked me if mine is for sale for pilot brews, they are after the consistency of the process.... very small sparge so volume control is easy, temp is a no brainer = very repeatable brewing if you doing small changes to malts/hops
That all said I still love my gravity feed 50L keg setup and can t face selling it just yet.....
Thanks for the link! I'll be considering this.
Just curious though, with 230-240 native voltage in NZ, my impression was that the 50L braumeister could be wired directly to a household 10-11 amp wall outlet?
I know in North America where 110V is the norm, one must have a 220V connection like that of a clothes dryer.
If not, it could be a deal breaker as I don't have a commercial outlet at home!
I believe the Braumeister 50 needs at least 15 amps.
Yes you do, 50L BM has the big ground 15amp plug on it. Not hard to do if you own your house and don't plan to move, but expensive / difficult if you are renting etc. I think this is why there is no 50L Grainfather.
I'd love to see the BM200 and BM500 in action. There are a few clips on YouTube.
I reckon you would be better off converting some ex diary kit they have scary price tags.
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