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An American style IPA that I am hoping will survive the journey their brothers and sisters sadly didn't. Sorry for the smaller volume and old labels on the bottles but hopefully the flip top bottle will sweeten the deal. All feedback welcome no matter how brutal.
Brewed on the 3rd of November so ready to go.
15 litre batch
OG 1.066. FG 1.013
4kg Golden Promise
0.4kg Gladfield light crystal
0.3 Gladfield Munich
0.1 Gladfield medium crystal
30g Wakatu @ 60 mins
20g Centennial @ 10 mins
20g Simcoe @ 5 mins
20g Centennial @ 0 mins
30g Simcoe dry hop for 5 days
30g Centennial dry hop for 5 days
Wyeast 1272
Someone will end up with a saison as I run out of the IPA.
Brewed on 29th September 14 litre batch
OG 1.059. FG 1.006
2.90kg Gladfield pilsner
0.19kg Gladfield Munich
0.18kg Gladfield Wheat
0.16kg Caramunich
0.30kg Candy syrup
23g Northern Brewer @ 60mins
27g Northern Brewer @ 0 MIns
Belgian Saison I Ale WLP565
Hey Ryan - a Christmas Eve IPA for consumption on the deck. Good stuff.
Appearance - A nice orange gold colour with a nice head that remained.
Nose - Great US hoppy aroma - love that Simcoe!
Taste/Mouthfeel - Nice mouthfeel malty but with a lingering bitterness on the tongue.
Keen to try Golden Promise as a Base Malt after this one Ryan. Nice one.
Thanks Duncan, glad you enjoyed it. Golden promise definitely gives it plenty of orange colour but it seems to fit with the citrusy hops.
Thanks Matt.
Hi Ryan, consuming this on the deck at the moment.
Ap - a bit over carbed I think (after I heard the hiss I poured carefully but still got half a glass of head) and maybe this has stirred up the yeast? anyway, whatever the cause a bit hazy.
Ar - nice US hops, a sweetness that I'm starting to associate with Glads pale crystal in my own beers that I think could come down a touch? And as it warms a bit of diactyl comes peeking out for me (not a lot, but there)
Taste - nice malt backbone, bitterness level is nice but I feel a bit on the harsh side? maybe subbing wakatu for something like pac jade would be a good move?
Overall a very pleasant sundowner, enjoyable beer. Cheers.
Thanks for the constructive feedback Richard. You are right about the carb level I have been using carb drops and for a 500ml bottle one is not enough but two is a little too much. I agree with the crystal and there was 200g more in this than there should have been, I got a bit extra for another brew but it was all crushed together at the home brew shop. I'll give pacific jade a go next time around, cheers.
Hi Ryan, sampled your ofering tonight while putting a brew down,
High carb apparent on opening, very gentle pour, big pine aroma with tropical fruit, wife was very taken with the aroma, in the mouth the high carb level detracted, a bit hard to get a sense of the body. I found this to be pretty well balanced, a little bitterness kick
at the end. there was some haze but no major, wife compared the colour to a sahara sunset... think she must have started early on the sampling today. Overall this was an enjoyable ipa that would be all the better when the carb levels are dialled in. Thanks
Thanks Peter, I suspect I may have bottled a touch early and left a bit of residual sugar. They started off pretty good but ended up over carbed. I used US 05 last time so the yeast may have been a bit slower this time around. Cheers.
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