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Has anyone out there got one of these that they would be willing to loan or sell to me please?

Requiring one to build and install one of these puppies -



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I'm in the same boat mate. If there is another person looking for one we could do a group buy?

I'm buying one tomorrow (through work).

I've 'convinced' the mechanic in the workshop that he needs both a 1-1/4" chassis punch and a 2-1/4" bi-metal holesaw in his toolbox (after I've borrowed them of course).

The chassis punch is ~$40+GST and the holesaw is ~$20+GST.

Would it be possible to bring my kettle around to have a couple of holes done when you are doing yours? Are you in Auckland?

If I lived in Auckland that would be fine but ... I'm in New Plymouth. Give me a yell if ya ever down this way ☺

are these standard sizes for elements?.......I am in NP and may require some help

Hi Nathan
Not sure about standard sizes for elements. 32mm rings a bell with other elements I've installed. Click on the link above and you'll see why I need these sizes.
I've drilled a fair few holes in pots using a HS drill bit, a step drill bit and even a bi-metal holesaw - all of which I have recently read aren't ideal so I'm pretty excited to try out the chassis punch. Give me a yell if you want help with anything ... I might not have the answer(s) but should be able to point you in the right direction if nothing else ☺

Cheers mate....I'm wanting to put another element into my HLT that I control with a PID

If i find an element I will be in touch.

You keen for a brew swap?

I spend a bit of time in Taranaki but I don't think a 63L kettle is going to fit in the overhead lockers!


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