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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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trellis is 6m tall.  I'm hoping the wind is not going to be too much of a problem.  Well see!

My hops will be able to see there cousins with the height of that bad boy

I have shoots! on your rhizomes at least Hamish.  It might have helped that I bunged them in pots the moment they turned up.  The Danscade looks like it might just be waking up, I'm just starting to see buds appearing.  The German variety one the other hand is going nuts.  Both rhizomes have multiple shoots and ones a good 10 inches long already.

Looking good Scott. I also was lucky enough to get some from Hamish.

My german has about 4 shoots coming up but none that big yet. The Sticklebract and the Smoothcone both have very small shoots but can only see one on each so far. I will get out there in the weekend and get some pics for you.

I'm going to have to get out in the garden this weekend and give my guys a hurry up, a few more warm days and let the climbing begin I say 

Thought id show off the growth on my German hop that you gave me Hamish,

They are planted in 60L buckets with a mixture of grass clippings on the bottom, home made compost, potting mix, and grass clippings on the top.

The German has about 6 growths, the smoothcone 4 and the Sticklebract has about 4. They all seem to be shooting out to the edges of the planter before going up. The one pictured is about 35cm

you're going to need a bigger stake!

So here is my set up the big one is danscade and the little one is green bullet. Hopefully the aeroponics cloner works on these guys.
Finally got my hop stand up this weekend. It's an ambitious 7m tall! The last couple of days have brought high winds to give it a test for me and she's still standing (touch wood).
So the guy that runs the green houses at Auckland uni now has a little danscade I gave him that he is plan to get growing up the side of the Thomas building. Have just put a couple of cuttings in the propgator so hopefully they have roots in the next day or two. Was anyone still after danscade?

now that's an asset to the student community.  Good on you Ryan.  Be keen to get some green bullet when you're plants are at that stage

I had to prune a few shoots, and put one in a jar of water to see if it would root, and it worked well. So... Anyone in Auckland want a 'mystery German'? Come and pick it up from Remuera.


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