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Does anyone know if there are high pressure burners available here? I'm looking for a fairly grunty one for a keg hlt that im fitting with automated gas. I already have a 32tip one for my kettle that I found second hand in Auckland. Im not opposed to ordering from the US but the last thing I ordered I got nailed on freight. can anyone recommend a source?
Thanks for your input

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Sweet ill check that out I pass there almost weekly with my job

I had a look at these, they did look pretty mean aye, I think i'll go for the yankee one, Did you see the noodle makers? pretty much a fully adjustable grain mill with a couple of modifications big gears that drive them as well

I really liked the cowling around the china town burners. Its a major plus as I brew out side.

I didn't see the noodle makers but I'm keen on making noodle's , however I've already got a mill.

All the best with your next brew Chad.

Hi  You have probably already sourced your burner but there is a new online site allgrain.co.nz. Karl is selling these for NZ $99

Hurricane Burner

Sweet, I havnt ordered yet I might give that s crack
Any idea of output? Ie how quick could it raise 45l 10c?

Email karl Karl Hayes <karl@allgrain.co.nz> it says 60,000 BTU

also noticed that RV dreams in Lower Hutt sell high pressure burners as well http://rvdreams.co.nz/category/cast-burners 

thanks everyone who has weighed in with good advise, Im going to get the one off amazon i think it will be sweet


Has anyone used one of these burners for the brew kettle? High Pressure burner

Seems like a good price.

Any recommendations for regulator to use with this would be swell.




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