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Who has made bottle labels and how did you do it? Perhaps we could have some examples posted up??

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I just design some in whatever you use for that sort of thing (Photoshop, Corel, MS Publlisher, felt tips & a photocopier, etc), cut them out (steel rule & sharp blade neater than scissors) and stick them on my bottles with some of the old fashioned gummy glue stuff from Warehouse Stationary. On of those Glue Sticks works too, or spray-on adhesive if you're feeling professional.

All of the above come off really easily by soaking for a few mins in warm soapy water.

You can buy proper labels to go through your printer but in my experience they're very expensive and a bugger to get off.
Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and printer... cut, glue-stick, paste!
Total Class HerrSchnapps...Now i'm keen to give it a shot
My heineclone knock offs....

And one when I used what I thought was a rune symbol... which turned out to be a related to the Third Reich..
A mate that i brew with sometimes designed my label
I have another friend that works at a printers, and she prints them of as stickers and cuts them out for me.
I have bigger ones for riggers as well.
There are some cool labels there guys well done....

I've done a few labels for small volume things where I'm not going to re-use the bottles, like wine etc...BUT as beer labels are my most hated of things (I f***n hate spending time cleaning them off the bottles) I just have an "over the cap" label that comes off when I open the beer...

Ah Yes dh, All that aside there's still one of 'em "most hated things" stuck to "the Fridge of Fame" here...

However the nice clean bottle is about to be introduced to Anniversary Ale ;)
ooh, do I get to re-claim my bottle back once its full...? :)
Of Course! : )
I don't usually label my bottles, but I am lucky enough to have an awesome designer for a friend who does pumpclip labels for me.



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