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A thread where we can discuss cloning a commercial release.
yeah made the istout recipe with the chch guys, damn tasty beer.
that maximus clone looks pretty tasty, although very similar to the west coat IPA by green flash. theres another beer available on the homebrewtalk.com site.
anyone else got anything?
the Maximus is awesome, best beer I have brewed so far. There is also a bookbinder clone with a slight change on facebook, I will dig it out
theres a recipe very similar to Tall Poppy hanging around on here somewhere
Oooooh. Anyone tried to clone Croucher Patriot. That is a beer I might be keen to try and recreate pretty soon!
I am way keen on a clone of Lowrider, its real hard to brew low % beers, not much out there on the web.
Croucher LOWRIDER IPA (2.7%)
Believe it… this is a lower alcohol beer with plenty of flavour! At only 2.7% alcohol, most would expect a beer that is watery and flavourless, but LOWRIDER changes the game for those of us who need to keep a clear head, but do not want to compromise on hops! With a great malt character for its lower alcohol, this beer fills your nostrils with passion fruit aroma’s, backed up with a deliciously fruity flavour. A true ‘big flavoured’ session beer.
> Gold Medal, BREWNZ 2013
> Runner-up BEST BEER, SOBA Beer Awards 2013
Yeh... that is just someones guess at a recipe that has not even been brewed.... I was hoping for something a bit more than that.
Sorry haha pulled the trigger on that too soon! That was all my lazy GOOGLE ing could find though. I would get amongst any proven clones out there though.
yeh... wil have to start it as a thread in the new Clone Brews discussion group and see if anyone has a recipe.
I'd love to see a clone recipe of Hopwired. I'm sure someones had a crack, and i have seen a recipe, but it doesnt look quite right.
I love open source beer recipe's
Digital IPA is open source… use it as you please, remix it, and share it with others… but please acknowledge where it came from. If you think something along the lines of the Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported rules then you are on the right track.
Note that this beer has evolved over the last couple of years, so there may well be other recipes with a 67c mash temp, a slightly different hop schedule (or two) and a higher OG. Never fear, It’s all just zeroes and ones until it hits your brewery.
Yeastie Boys Digital IPA
Recipe Overview
Anticipated OG: 1.066
Anticipated ABV (%): 7.0
Anticipated IBU: 77.0
Anticipated SRM: 7.3
Wort Boil Time: 60min
80.4% Pale Malt
11.5% Munich Malt Type 1
5.8% CaraPils
2.3% Caramalt 35
Hops (all pellets)
n.ng/L* Pacific Jade 13.40%aa @ 60 min.
0.8g/L Pacifica 5.60%aa @ 10 min.
4.2g/L Nelson Sauvin 12.10%aa @ 10 min.
4.2g/L Pacifica 5.60%aa @ 0 min.
2.1g/L Motueka 6.90%aa @ 0 min.
1.75g/L Nelson Sauvin 12.10%aa @ 0 min.
0.85g/L Pacifica @ dry hop
0.85g/L Nelson Sauvin @ dry hop
Water Profile
Calcium(Ca): 85.0 ppm
Magnesium(Mg): 8.0 ppm
Sodium(Na): 9.0 ppm
Sulfate(SO4): 80.0 ppm
Chloride(Cl): 48.0 ppm
biCarbonate(HCO3): 67.0 ppm
Mash Schedule
Mash Type: Single Step
Saccharification Rest Temp : 66c
Time: 60min
* first addition of hops, at 60min, will depend on your own brewhouse utilisation.
Tall Poppy Here:
I also found this one, for Hopwired, but given the lack of Dryhops, I assume its not quite right.
Could be a good startpoint though.
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