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A thread where we can discuss cloning a commercial release.

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The way this forum works having all these beers in one thread is going to mean that the recipes are going to be very hard to find in the future.

What would be great is if there was a separate part of the forum dedicated to commercial clone recipes where each clone could have its own thread. This way peoples experience and feedback could fine tune the recipe.

Starting it as an open group might be one way to do this? Or maybe Luke could easily make another section of the forum dedicated to recipes?

Oh... I see there is already the Recipe Exchange http://www.forum.realbeer.co.nz/group/therecipeexchange - maybe this would be a more appropriate place to start separate threads for each clone that people are trying to achieve? What do you guys think?

we could just start a Clone Beer Recipe Group and do as You say, like the idea of sepearate group then other good recipes,  the advantage of a clone recipe is you can go out and buy a bottle of the real thing to test your process.....  vs general HB recipes...

Great Idea, to both peter and ralph. 

I'll let someone else start this up.

Clone Beer group here http://www.forum.realbeer.co.nz/group/clone-brews

Go along and join... Perhaps people who have put clone recipes up here could start threads for each different beer and pop the details into their thread?

6 clones up already. Nice to see!

I am working on Armegeddon and Birddog ipa but still a ways to go , can tell you wants not in it now....  8)

So far people have posted up 8 various clones. It is a good start and I just hope that people will be able to find the group ok in the future when looking to share or to try and clone a brew?


It is a great idea... I'm gonna bookmark and hopefully upload the recipe I am working on in a month or two (if I get close).


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