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Hey thought I'd ask this here, proving quite hard to find on google.

I'm after 3 small lengths of stainless tube, enough to make 2 whirlpool tubes and one dip tube.

Tube size, it just needs to fit into 1/2" compression fittings.

Hit me up if you have some spare or have a good source, local or otherwise. Just want the raw tube, not a pre-made fitting.


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Hi Barry. I have heaps of the stuff, just need to find a hacksaw that isn't munted. What's the total length you need?

Hey Karl,
No more than 50cm - 2 x whirlpool fittings and 1 x pickup tube.

Cool. PM me your address and I'll flick it off to you.

Hi Karl,

Dont suppose you have any more of that stainless pipe left do you? Changing my system around & need 2 x new dip tubes, I will need the straight compression fittings as well if you still have them?

Yup - heaps. Let me know which compression fittings you need:


Hi Karl,

Sorry for the delay in response, I will order the compression fitting off your site (when I have more brewing funds available)

Is it 1/2" pipe that you have available?

I am also thinking of going for a Herms setup, do you have access to much of that pipe & what would be the price for a length of about 4m?

I might have a 4Mt length but it'll be impossible to coil. Copper works better for heat transfer anyway.

Yeah, I was thinking that.. I'm just a lover of the stainless...

Ok, so I just need a couple of 20 cm lengths for dip tubes & I'll go buy some copper, All in all I will need 3 x compression fittings.

I will put a note on the order about the pipe, so you know its me, is that cool?


Yup, all cool.

Hey Karl, I'm on the scrounge happy to swap beer or cash for stainless, I need a 40cm length that's big enough to fit a stc 1000 probe down so I can do some mini batch's with temp control, I am trying to make a thermowell kind of thing or failing that do you sell Corny keg pick up tubes?

Cheers Hamish

Hey Hamish - go to Tata Steel, 200 Maces Road, Bromley, Christchurch. If they're as friendly as the New Plymouth crew, they'll give you a few short lengths for no charge. Tell them what you're using it for and you'll be sorted.

Cheers for the tip, they may not be so friendly after the cricket though


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