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Thanks mainly to this forum and the internet in general I have been getting some reasonably decent beers.

Ive been using extracts and after being hit with the hop addiction co Paul Finney I have been playing around with hops. Also specialty grains.

Ive got a few bits and pieces together eg. ss pot, burner, thermometer ect and want to have a crack at a basic boil in a bag brew. I have ' Clone Brews ' and would like to make a pale ale or draught/bitter but in the book the alc by volumes are way to high for me and Ime not sure how to knock them back. Yet.

Has anyone got some good basic recipes that they want to share? Something forgiving and not to  complicated would be good. One thing that I dont have is temperature control ( yet ) so the yeast would have to be able to handle auckland temps. At the moment I am brewing with US 05 and one S 04 and they seem to be ok up to 24C even though it is above range.




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can't go wrong with the advice on this thread....    

I made this thread a while back on a similar sort of subject; http://www.forum.realbeer.co.nz/forum/topics/hoppy-session-beers

If you're looking at trying to dial back a "big" 7-8% IPA-beer to around 4-5%, you can reduce the base malt to get your desired OG and also reduce bittering additions to keep the BU:GU ratio balanced, while keeping the speciality grains and late additions pretty much untouched.

Alternately, I think the recipe Peter Smith posted would be a great start, and if 1.054 is still a bit stronger than you would like just reduce the Golden Promise to reduce the ABV to the desired level. Follow the recipe or come up with your own blend of hops for it, local or foreign, or just do what Epic does with that malt bill and use a single good "all rounder" like Cascade for a one-hop-wonder.

get yourslef a pack ofr Mangrove jacks Saison/belgian yeast, its good with higher temps, its a dry yeast, people seem to rate it well.

search around for a good 1.045/1.050 saison recipe and go for gold..

Ha ha, Nick is on the way to being a Hophead :)

When you say high, what do you mean? Is 5% too high?

The links the guys have posted are all good. Try a blend of two hops, maybe Nelson Sauvin and Motueka and you won't go far wrong. Just use 2:1 Mot to Nelson Sauvin.

Ideally work your recipe out on a brewing software. You can download Beersmith for a small amount, or there are plenty of online tools like Brewtoad. Just aim your IBU's around 30 and you should be sweet.

Then all you need to do is load up them hops!

Good luck

Hi paul, I am already a hophead and have been for decades, a professional you could say, I just didnt know that hops existed.

I am getting some really good beers even using kit/malt/hop combinations and malt hop combinations but I am just playing around really and dont know what I am doing really. My heads have been fantastic and the tastes are getting there to. I just love the zing of Motueka hops.

And its all your fault!

do you have a wort chiller?   

No but I will knock one up

Thanks so much for your replies.

I was thinking along the lines of a recipe like;

this much grain

soak for this long at this temp

remove grain. Boil for ? mins

add hops at ? mins   ? mins   ? mins

cool it off if you have a cooler or leave to cool

ferment with ? yeast

maybe OG and FG and aiming for alc/vol around 4% max.

What do you think?

If this is your first AG brew and you live in AKL come round to my place and we could do a side by side brew in my carport lots of room just bring your kit.....  easy as....      I have a wort chillor you can use and reflectometer to moniter gravities along the way etc etc.  Also have grain mill so we can mill fine for BIAB.    you will probably need some help with volumes as well,  I think its one of the harder things to get your head around without software....     re us05 I currently seeing 18-20C carboys on concrete floor under house

offer extended to others as well   lets have a BIAB DAY!

I was going to post a " Going in alone. Dont try to stop me " post but I didnt want to make an arse of myself if it went wrong.

I tried a NZPA c/o Peter with no wort chiller and no temp control. I used muslim socks tied with cotton string for hop bags. I wrapped the lid of my big pot with glad wrap and left it over night. It was pretty much a bit of a disasterous event all round and I thought it was doomed.

But yesterday I popped a lid to sample and the beer is fantastic. It hasnt even got 2 weeks on it yet but it has cleared well and has a great head. The taste is excellent. The only problem that I can see is not drinking it all straight away!

I have another one brewing and things did go a little more smoothly and I have to say it is the most enjoyable experience. I really enjoy the whole process.

A couple of questions though. What is the theory behind boiling the liquor for 90 minutes when the hops are only going in in the last short while? Also I raised the quantity to 24 lts to try to lower the alc/vol. Got about 4% perfect for me.

But I am really just wandering in the dark.My brain just seems to draw a blank when it comes to software/spreadsheets ect. Is there a really simple way or is it better to follow recipes and try to guess alc ect?

Thanks so much Peter for that pale ale recipe it really did the trick. By the way what part of Auckland are you in?


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