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Hi guys

I am contemplating getting a couple of oak barrels. There are some new 20L ones floating around, but I'd much rather get a 15 gallon one. Thats to reduce the surface area of oak in contact with the beer, reduced oxygen take-up etc etc.

Anyone know where I might be able to track one/some down? Used would be preferable.

The only peoples who seem to have some are Nelson Cooperage... but... I am not willing to part with a kidney in order to obtain one (ie horrendously expensive).




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I also propose a beer_speak_wank   trophy

for the best BS about there brew    ie this kinda stuff

Black with reddish highlights; blooming, dark-beige, mousse-like foam. Aroma: heady mix of espresso, wine-gum, treacle and stone fruit. Palate: dense mouth-feel and toasted marshmallow notes up front; mid-palate shows burnt toffee, black jelly bean, dark cocoa and blackcurrant notes; finishes dry and tart-edged. Overall: intriguing new-world style with roasty flavours ultimately overwhelming the saison characters

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/executive-style/top-drop/bromancing-the-foam-...

Pinot would be great I reckon

the option was a white or a red, so after much chin wagging with the wine guru the Pinot said pick me, anyways I have plans for the white one with the wine maker himself some form of super funk Pilsenerish thing all done with wild yeast, yeah this could be genius or a right balls up

50L is one single brew/ferment for me... I am interested, but dont have the space to do it myself, so this would be the perfect way to get started...

Ow *somewhat* on topic - anyone know where to buy bulk sour cherries in Auckland? It's coming close to the cherry season, and I've got a couple of fermentors of Flanders Red sitting around looking ready for fruit. 

Ralph, do you want in?

On a separate note, when it comes to brewing these sour beers, what sort of recipe would be used? and like above is it a standard US-05 to ferment out, then bugs are added? once bugs are added, what sort of fermentation control is required if any??

Stu, how long have to flanders been sitting around for?

Hey Rob,

I don't have the brew sheets in front of me, but one is around 2-3 years old, and another is 1-2 years old. Sorry not very precise I know! Both are really "funky", the older one much more sour than the younger. 

Hey Rob. Yes keen... as you can see by the emails.

Apparently some commercial kitchens have them, they must be coming from somewhere, so you could try gilmours etc.


Looks like Gilmours only stock Maraschino's 

Stu. I live on a whole street of sour cherries in Chch... the black birds love them! Not much help to you tho!


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