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I'm trying to find a traditional British hand pull beer pump engine to use for some of my beer.
There are plenty in UK for sub 50Pounds, but ideally, I would like to get it in NZ rather than import it.
Does anyone know if the is a reseller/second hand out there?

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Everyone I know of with handpumps including commercial establishments imports them from the UK. There just isn't the demand here to sustain such a niche. At least, that's what I've been told.

British hand pull beer pump engine, you can buy it directly from inline shopping sites like ebay etc. 

I have about 10 of them if your in Auckland feel free to pop in and have a look

I've put a pair of them in Brewers Coop for sale along with some beer taps but not getting any takers so not looking to import any more or provide spares, no market for em

how much are you asking for them?

Hey Liam, don't be too hasty to say there's no market when there's been no advertising! :) At least none that I've seen.

Got any details? New or refurbs? Make? 1/2 pint or 1/4 pint pull? Neck type? I'm looking to replace my existing three refurbished ones with one shiny new one.

I've posted up on this forum twice about them and had them on TM twice, lots of watchers but no bites.  They are for sale at $350 per pump, Angram and fully refurbed.  I have a couple of other pumps too but can't remember the names of them.  They are a matching pair and both have the chiller fitting on the pump for commercial chillers to fit into - currently set up at Brewers Coop.

All long neck types with sparklers, 1/2 pint pumps.  Three have minor damage or heavy wear to the woodwork but the pump mechanics are sweet.  Easy fix if your good with a sander and polishing.

Also a gorgeous 1950's dual pump which has been cmpletely refurbed and new stainless tray made for it.  Free standing until so a bit of a beast.

I was looking to import and provide a full service including parts and refurb but due to the lack of interest I just canned it. 

Personally I am running two of them including a fantastic 1950's single pump Angram which is the bees knees - still has the original paper stickers on it!  I've not carbonated a beer since I got em and they pour an amazing beer!

Thanks Liam. I guess I'm getting blind in my old age. :) I'm really after new, as I can get a new one landed for around $300-350, it just means imposing on travelling friends, but your deal is good and best of luck with the sales!

No new ones sorry, well outside the range of making mooney with them.

I have great contacts in the UK and awesome shipping rates but can't buy them and sell them with enough fat to sell them.   New a hand pump will set most people back by around $330 direct from angram plus shipping (average 90 uk pounds which is about $170 NZ).  A heap cheaper if you can take it in your luggage of course or have mates willing to carry one.

Its $500 delivered for shipping and if I bring in 10 at a time I get stung by customs too. 

That's pretty expensive for most home brewers, I know I'd baulk at it.  Useless to try and make a profit on it.

Refurbed are a better bet which is the way I went and was looking to supportt that with a full range of spares but just not worth it in the long run, a lot of effort for $50 profit.  I save more than that for spending a morning logging our firewood.

Hi Liam, I'm really interested in one of these pumps. Do you still have them available? 

hey Liam

can you flick me a couple of pics of the stock you have, i could be keen. sam@vulcansteel.co.nz


Hi Liam, Could you please contact me at davepb100@hotmail.com with some prices on the pumps, also do you have any photos as i am in wellington an unable to view. 


Hey Dave, mailed you and will sort some photos out this week for you.


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