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I had a chat to tilt and he suggested perhaps we aim at a swap around Sat 16th Nov to slot in between the NHB competition and xmas.   Expressions of interest please to get an idea of numbers.. Hopefully a full swap given the new number of case swap members recently!!

The process goes something like this:

  1. Brew a beer you're proud of and want other brewers to try and give feedback on.
  2. Post your recipe as a separate thread in the NZ case swap group - feedback from others'll be posted under your own recipe thread.
  3. Bottle it up in 750s - plastic bottles are best as they have to be shipped around the country using "smash and stomp" courier service.  Plastic being lighter also keeps the costs down a bit too. 
  4. How many you send in will depend on the interest we get ----> total number to contribute = number of brewers in the swap minus 1
  5. Get your beers to a central point under your own steam.
  6. The organisers then make up a bundle of mixed cases and send them out. 
  7. Receive your case, chill, drink and enjoy while giving feedback on the beer to the brewer via their CS recipe thread.

I'm happy to be the Auckland depot again this time around. 

If we get a few interested from Wgtn/ ChCh or elsewhere it might be good to have local "hubs" and organisers there too.  Shipping with NZ post to Auckland (assuming this is the only depot as it was last time, that we've got 13 brewers and everyone is using PET bottles not glass) is about $20 from the North Island and $35 from the South.  

Redistribution costs split over the lot of us came to about $10 each. 

So to summarise costs, if Auckland is the central point, are:

$10 for Auckland brewers who drop off and pick up in person

$30 for other North Island brewers

$45 for South Island brewers

How does that all sound? 

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i'm planning on going to wbc, so can do the delivery/swop for whangarei brewers if they wish- save on cartage

Just bottled 12 Dry Stouts from the keg.  Will also be at WBC to make the swap, but if we have more than 13 join in the remainder will have to make do with a Dark Mild!

Anyone else got notes on the Barleywine from CS9 or has it all been cellared?  It's drinking well now, and should make an appearance at the NHC.

Dash - I cellared my bottle of your barleywine cos I'm interested in tasting it with some time on it.  Now that I hear its getting a run at the NHC I'm going to hang off until after November 2nd - who knows it could pick up a gong and in which case the taste will be even better. 

CS 10 wise I've got a surprisingly large tasting light (sub 3%) Amber and an NZPA kegged and marked for bottling off.  Not sure which one I'll throw into the swap yet but looking forward to it.

Good stuff.  Hope to see you at Damian's for Limbo on Sunday.

I'm interested in joining in the case swap too. Will have to have a think about what to brew for it, as everything I've got at the moment is in glass.

cool   I think its always a bit hit and miss knowing the final numbers, anyways the swap is due for the 9th nov,  doesnt really matter if you bottle on the 8th...   I know that my beer is probably not going to be its best before xmas anyways.   I was planning to put my swap crate into the fridge on about the 18th of Dec so that during the break 25th to the 8th or so I could try one a day......

I think we will probably be about 12 entries ish

Hey guys, sorry I'm going to have to pull out of the case swap.

I'm a bit pressed for time and wont be able to get to brewing anything for a while.

Sorry about that.

Maybe next time.

Case swap submission has just been buttoned away in the fermenter.  Rather uneventful brew session aside from second attempt at water modifications, hopefully haven't made a major hash of that. 

Should be just enough time to ferment it out, dry hop then force carb ready to bottle.

Hi Pete. Sorry - I need to pull out of the case swap. Had a choice pellicle covering the whole top when I went to keg it over the weekend - while it smells/tastes ok atm I don't want to chance sending it to anybody...

Thats cool  I hoped you bottled/keged it anyway,  my ink jet stout had a Pellicle  I did some reading up and bottled it anyways, three weeks later its tasting fine...      I have my Arrogant Barstard clone fermenting for the case swap, its been 5 days and its slowed down , cleanup time.  Leaving it for another 2 weeks warm then a cold condition.....

2 fermenting now, IPA with mosaic, and a limbo IPA that was too late for limbo, citra with 1450 yeast. Was a big brew day, so also have a no chilled cube ready to go with the 2nd generation 1450, that might be a little young come swap day, but out of the three hope to have something worthwhile to share.

Could we have a roll call for who will have beers in this swap so we all know how many to bottle in plastic,  ALSO where you are based and how you intend to get your beers to the swap point.   I am happy to receive them by post etc and do the swap if you are outside AKL.

PM me and I can send address etc

and if we are all in AKL there will be no swap fee as we can just swap on 9th at the WBC comp


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