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Hi all, I've got an American Amber coming up, the Est OG for the main beer will be 1.065, more of an IPA type beer.

My method is BIAB with no sparge. but a mashout step (Lifting bagof grains off the bottom, and heating the water to 76 and leaving to 10 mins.)

I'm looking for advice, on what will essentially be a partigyle beer (using extract pouch from mangrove jacks to bump it up) 

My questions:are:

1- What sort of OG should I expect from the second runnings of a 1.065 beer?

2- how much water should I use for the second runnings, I'm thinking around 8 Litres?

3- a London bitter pouch and second runnings topped up to 20 litres would give me an approx OG of what? 

4- My second runnings will be boiled for 15 mins... will this be enough? as I'll be hopping this a little bit at 15 and 1.

Just not sure how to tackle this. cheers.

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Cheers Richard Very Helpful.

That answers the first question, I'm trying to estimate a recipe using second runnings, some hopped extract, some hops and some other bits and pieces.

I'm not so sure about BIAB but with a usual mash tun and batch sparge arrangement you'll get  2/3rds of the total sugars in your mash in your first runnings.  The other 1/3 of the sugars will come out in subsequent sparges.

Having said this it isn't in my experience very accurate.  I see a second runnings beer as a bonus, and never get too hung up about getting the OG and predictions accurate. 

My approach with something like this would be to adjust on the fly and go with whatever you can get out of a 10L dunk sparge and a kit (calculate the IBUs you get out of the kit). 

Measure your preboil OG to judge how long you need to boil/ evaporate to bring it to the post boil OG you're looking for.  Figure this out with boil times on your brew software. 

Add whatever hops you need to bring it to the bitterness and flavour levels you want.

Remember its a bonus beer and be stoked if you pull it off!




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