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I had a look on RealBeer but couldn't find this issue. Maybe I haven't screwed it in far enough and it locks in and stops at a certain point? It's just that I've already dropped from 1.10Kg to 1.04Kg so I know I could just waste it if I'm doing something wrong...
Have you got a gasket between the bottle and the adapter. Never used one of the adapeters but I have got a reg that screws direct to a soda stream bottle, this needs a small fla nylon gasket to seal properly
Thanks - gasket is there - new one
Actually, I figured it out! It looks like as you screw it on, it releases a spot of gas but only a little bit if you screw fast enough towards the end. There you go!...
Yeah, I usually hand tighten it until i hear gas start to escape, back it of a bit then grab the spanners, get them set up right and tighten the last turn quickly.
Yeah - quick hands are the key with mine too - and gloves if you're worried about frost bite.
Awesome, thanks guys! This will hopefully help others as well! I might play around with the adjustable bit until it makes the smallest pist noise as it is screwed on then I'll know it is callibrated for the next time - hopefully the next swapped sodastream cylinder is a similar shape and size...
just got a 5kg cylinder from Gas Fire Cylinder Services in Tauranga for a reasonable price, second hand cylinder, not gonna win any prizes for looks but $200 for a 5kg is pretty good from what ive heard. Had issues with the sodastream leaking out too.
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