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I can't wait to drink it !!!
Managed to get a brew down late last night while the kids and the missus were asleep.
Double ipa - nz hops

Bairds Maris Otter 41%
Weyermann Pils 41%
Vienna 12%
Crystal Medium 6%
Ph 5.2 + gypsum

60 minute mash @ 68°

60 minute boil

Dr rudi @ 60 (25 ibu)
Sauvin / Riwaka / Waimea (10 ibu each) @ 30
Sauvin / Riwaka / Waimea (7 ibu each) @ 15
double addition of above at flameout

1.082 OG
76 IBU

Rehydrated M77 pitched at 18° (lucky it was cold in welly last night)

I'll hold at 18° until high krausen ... then I'll let it rise to 21.

Will dry hop with sauvin and riwaka ... maybe.
That should have read 'M44' not m77 ... 4s and 7s too close on keyboard ...

Big coffee stout

40L brew

12 kg (64.6%) Pale Ale Malt; Bairds Malt - added during mash
1.58 kg (8.5%) Crystal 40; Great Western - added during mash
1 kg (5.4%) Dark Chocolate Malt; Briess - added during mash
1 kg (5.4%) Roasted Barley; Pauls Malt - added during mash
44.25 g (42.5%) Warrior® (16.0%) - added during boil, boiled 60 m
32.68 g (31.4%) Liberty (4.0%) - added during boil, boiled 30.0 m
27.23 g (26.1%) Liberty (4.0%) - added during boil, boiled 15 m
3 kg (16.1%) Dry Light; Muntons - added during boil
200 g Coffee (grounds) - added dry to primary fermenter

Original Gravity: 1.113
Terminal Gravity: 1.028
Color: 40.2 SRM
Alcohol: 11.28%
Bitterness: 53.4

First double batch day on Sunday…made the following:

1st up was a Belgian Dubbel, my first attempt at the style. 

Weyermann Pils, Munich, Caraaroma, Melanoidin and table sugar to round it out. 

25 IBUs of Nugget at 60.

90min boil, OG1068, 2.5l starter of WYeast 3787

2nd brew was an Itsy Bity APA, another first <5% session beer

Golden Promise, Munich, Crystal 40L, Carapils, Acid Malt

8g Nugget at 60, 8g each Citra, Amerillo, Simcoe & 2g CTZ at 10, 20g each Citra, Amerillo, Simcoe & 5g CTZ at 0 followed 15min hot stand before chilling

60min boil, OG1044, 1L Starter of 1056

Planning to dry hop with 30g each Citra, Amerillo, Simcoe & 10g CTZ split into two additions

Also bottled an Epic Pale Ale clone and acid washed a couple of carboys.  In all a busy, but productive day.

Forgot to mention, caramelized 5L of the dubbel first runnings down to about 1.5L with citric acid before adding back into the boil.  

Dubbel has taken off in a big way at 20deg.. had a dreadful mess to clean up in the fermenting fridge this morning with close to 400ml of foam and beer escaping the airlock.  Fitted a blow off tube and all seems to be going fine.

Update: Itsy Bity APA is down to 1.006 which is certainly a little more attenuation (86% by my calcs) than expected, but hydro sample was certainly acceptable. The dubbel is proving troublesome.. went off like a rocket for the first 2.5 days then has slowed dramatically, planning on leaving it be on the yeast for another 1.5 weeks and see how it comes off, its currently at 24 degs and getting roused from time to time.

Short of time so doing a kit beer, I have done two 2.5L starters with Wyeast 2000 Budvar, going to brew this at 10C on Mangrove jack british series pilsner kit,   yeast starter gives off some good sulphur aromas that hopefully will dissipate.   

Brewed late into the evening on Sunday night / early monday morning again, seems to be the only time I can brew at the moment. Kids, Wife, fixing up the house etc, and thats not to mention work.

Brewed a repeat of a breakfast stout I'd done some months ago that a few people liked - change of hops though due to what I had on hand.

50L batch

56% pils

21% MO

9% malted oats

5% Chocolate malt

3% Dark Crystal

2% roasted

90 min mash @ 68

90 min boil

50g Dr Rudi @ 60 min

50g Mosaic @ 30 min

100g melted Dark chocolate @ FO

5 doubles of espresso into fermenter prior to pitching.

SG - 1.070 ish

estimated fg - 1.021 ish

Cooled and pumped into fermentor @ 22 degrees, pitched rehydrated Mangrove jacks British ale (4 of)

Lots of bubbles a day and a half later ....  

Brewing tomorrow - double brew again as demand is up & supply is down.

First up: IPA (based quite heavily on Russian River’s Blind Pig)

 OG: 1.060; FG: 1.010; ABV: 6.5%; IBU: ~60; shooting for 24L into fermenter

Grist: 91% Optic (in saying that it ended up as about three quarts optic, and balance as pilsner malt as the LHBS ran out of optic); 4% Carapils, 3% Carared; 2% Wheat malt & a splash of acidulated. Mashed at 65.5.

Kettle hopping: 20g CTZ @ 60min, 15g Amarillo @ 30min, 15g each: Simcoe, Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial @ Flameout – hot whirlpool 10mins

Dry hop: 15g each: Centennial, Cascade, Amarillo, CTZ 

Yeast: repitch 1056

Second up Pale Ale (I'm sure some will know where this came from...):

 OG 1050; FG 1010; ABV 5.2% IBU ~40; Shooting for 24L into the fermenter

Grist: 100% MO mashed at 67

Kettle hopping: 50g Citra @ 10min, 50g Mosaic @ 5min, 50g Simcoe @ Flameout

Dry hop: 20g each: Citra, Simcoe, & 10g CTZ 

Yeast: repitch 1056

I'm trying a milk stout with the mangrove jacks british ale yeast

Original Gravity: 1.055

Expected Final Gravity: 1.023 (it is meant to be high as the lactose balances out all that dark malt)                        
Expected ABV: 4.3%
Expected IBU: 30
1 x 1.8kg Black Rock Liquid Dark Malt Extract                                                                        
1kg of Copper Tun light unhopped malt
500g Copper Tun Lactose
100g Cocoa Powder
400g of Black Patent Grain
250g of Chocolate Grain
70g of Fuggles Hops
2 Sachets of Mangrove Jack’s British Ale yeast
1) Pour 10 L of water into a 15 capacity pot. Bring the water up to 70 degrees and add a grain bag full of crushed grain for 25 minutes.
2) Remove grain bag and bring this to the boil.  
3) Once boiling add the all fuggles hops, malt extracts and lactose. Boil for 90 minutes.
4) Add the cocoa powder 10 minutes before the end of the boil.
5) At the end of 90 minutes cool the wort in an icebath until it is at 20 degrees.
6) Empty this into your sanitised fermenter and top up with cold water to 23 L. 
7) Sprinkle over 2 packs of the Mangrove Jack’s British Ale yeast.
8) Ferment, bottle or keg as usual when the specific gravity is stable for 48 hours.

- See more at: http://mangrovejacks.com/blogs/news/7990657-chocolate-milk-stout-re...

Big brew day for fathers day. Brewed a galaxy/cascade ipa for a competition among 6 friends (same recipe, all about the technique apparently). Stuck sparge so it took a good 2 hours to runoff.

5.5 kg 2 row
0.3 kg dark crystal
0.2 kg carapils

90 minute boil

20g cascade @85
23g cascade @10
30g cascade @5
30g galaxy @5
46g cascade @fo

M07 yeast

46g galaxy dryhop 7 days

Bottled a kegged nzipa while I waited, and filled 2 kegs with chocolate coffee oatmeal stout, cleaned up all of my gear and still had time for a coffee before the sparge finished.

90 minute boil, hops, hops and more hops. Racked into a fermenter and blasted it with 30 seconds of o2. Pitched at 16 degrees and into the fermentation fridge set at 18 degrees.

All up took about 7 hours including cleanup ... finished in time to put the kids to bed.


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