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I've been doing alot of research in the downtime not brewing. (It's been 3 months sicne an actual brew day). I've ahd an ongoing Shoulder issue for awhile, and am post op surgery for about 6 weeks.

So I've been working on alot of different project for my "Brewery". I have a small garage, which I have installed power into, properly, running underground cables etc. I will be going live on the weekend, with switches, lights and plug sockets in the garage.

I have 2 fridges already for fermentation and conditioning, both with STC-1000's fitted.

So, I've finally made a decision, which I think is a pretty good one. As it will give me room to expand/add vessels, should I need or want to.

The link is something similar, and wondered if anyone has had any experience building such a system?
If so, parts list and sourcing would be helpful, in this country anyways.

Will be sourcing a new Pot as well. I'd love a Blichmann, but it's just too expensive at this stage I think, unless someones got them in good condition. a 15 gallon one would be good, for those big beers.

I'll be doing 23 Litre batches, and wanted to know what sized element would give a good rolling boil? not too vigorous, but solid. I'll need a re-circulation pump, and disconnects. 

the other big issue is lifting the bag out etc.  I have purchased a pulley system, but need to install it, and I'd like to run it on a slider type system. to lift the grain slide out and dump in a bucket or the bin etc. any suggestions for this?

I was thinking a square steel bar, about 2m long, steel on steel with no runners... to slide, attached to the struts of the garage. 

And lastly the bag, I have something that works currently, although it's not fantastic, because theres no real way to lift it out. Suggestions required for where I can get a good bag with handles for pulley lifting, if anyone has a design, that'd be good too.  I was actually think of putting a Zip in one for grain removal as well.Steel of course.

any help is appreciated. thanks guys.


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Too much potential drinking time scrubbing soot off pots makes me feel for you fellas! Maybe a useful tip (until you get your burners dialled in)..... rub dry soap all over the base of the pot before brewday. Makes it much easier to get off.

So much to learn!

Thanks for the advice tilt. And thanks to Karl too for a bit of advice on dialling in burners. The chassis has been repurposed at zero cost which makes me happy, got to rig a sky hook off the pole but everyday is a step closer, it needs a clean up and getting the smarts sorted for pilot light etc is the next push.

Good score on the frame, I only did mine out of stainless so I could run gas through part of the frame as mild steel apparently has a seam

good idea that, I am going to get a high pressure reg and turn my burner into a flame thrower,

I was going to try and slip it in the dishes when the wife was washing up but she got suspicious when she saw a dirty big pot sitting there

Ha! nice try Hamish. I meant to ask, where'd you get your pot?

savebarn on trademe, they also have a shop in Waterloo road down here down by the shell in Hornby, good solid pot 8mm base and thick sides, only issue I have is that the base is so thick that when my temp probe shuts off the solenoid it does over shoot by a degree or two

and you got your spigots welded on by a mate?

Yeah got it all done at the same time I got my frame built up, unfortunately there were some scorch marks from the welding that I have been meaning to buff out but got too busy brewing to worry about them


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