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Ha, we differ on one hop only... and my Battle Black IPA was a shitty brew day too. Best of luck.
I haven't posted on this for a while so will just say what is in the fermenters.
I have a Motueka Kolsch that is smelling a bit odd (think perm solution) of which i hope goes away, but it is possible the yeast was just that little bit too old (harvested back in Oct) so that may be pants. I'll just let it sit (smell has got better and underlying beer does seem to be a nice Kolsch)
I also did my first Pils on Sat with my first efforts at decoction mashing. An interesting experience, although my first decoction with the thick mash hardly raised the mash temp so needed to boil up a bit of wort too. All in all it wasn't too bad, i was a bit off on the numbers, but happy to see it sitting at 11 degrees in my fridge and bubbling away. It was a Riwaka CZ saaz concoction with Warrior for bittering.
Happy days, and happy brewing all
Yeh... I find Mot gives beer a really perfumed note. I have no idea what perm solution smells like but it might just be the Mot fragrance that you are smelling. Kinda real sweet and fruity...
It was more like perming solution, so i don't think it was the Mot. I bottled it on friday and it was calming down, so i think after a few weeks of conditioning it may condition out. Time will tell on that one.
Update on the Kolsch. I tried one on the weekend and the perm solution smell was gone. It turned out rather nice, easy drinking beer. Happy days!
Perming solution contains a thiol, a sulfur-containing compound, which denatures some of the bonds in hair. Smells like sulfur.
So what you were smelling was most likely a thiol compound of some type. A quick google search shows me that as many as twelve thiol compounds can be produced in beer, some of which are secondary metabolites of yeast, others are spontaneous reactions of compounds like DMS. And most of them have a very low perception threshold.
So it sounds like you had a green beer, that has cleaned up with a bit of time. How old was the beer when it had that aroma?
Good info that. It was still fermenting, so not very old. When i bottled it it was about 3weeks after brew day and it had reduced noticably by then. When i drank one this weekend it was 2 weeks in the bottle and was not registering at all.
Sounds damn nice. Good sexy kit.
Good way of altering a kit Nathan. I just used the newcastle Dark in a stout and this morning it was going like a machine gun! really active fermentation
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