I´m sitting on a assignment for uni - a business plan - and for that case decided to open up a beer bar. Therefore I´m wondering what do you, as really beer interested folks, think about German beer? Would you go to a bar mainly serving German beer?
I love German beer, wish there was more choice in NZ and would certainly go to a bar serving mainly German beer in fact i'd rather go to that than a Belgium bar....
German themed pubs seem to do pretty well in Sydney....
Definately would go to a German beer bar, so long as it had a decent range of quality beer. Some of my favourite beer styles are German, those guys sure do have some great beers :-)
Certainly would. I'd like more than just the beer though, good German food, atmosphere, beers for drinking in quantity as well as beers for sipping in contemplative enjoyment... Hold the Oompah band unless it's made up of real Bavarian brass players, and even then, use sparingly. ;)
Would love to see some good representatives of seldom seen styles here, like Kolsch, Alt, Dortmunder, Berliner Weiss (for breakfast?), Marzen, Bock, and maybe even some Bamberg Rauchbier.
Also any country that has a good selection of micro/craft breweries would be a good theme IMO, as long as there is a good selection of beers available. America, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany would be the big ones for me.
Thanks guys thats awesome getting so many replies. So I should definately think about adding the food stuff then. Would not play the oompah music all the time ;-) but guess it would be nice doing some special events during the Oktoberfest period. Would you like to get the beer served in original German litre beer jugs?
@ Rusty Chch: do you know the name of that bar in Christchurch serving German beer? That would be really helpful. Is it a German beer theme bar or do they just serve it among others?
Gah, not all germans drink beer out of steins... :) I'd love to see Kölsch in NZ, I think Moa does one right? I still really miss it after living in Cologne for 3 months about three years ago :( Actually that's something to put up on the to-brew list...