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Seen something on Trademe that others maybe interested in...post it here

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Could maybe be used for a mill with a bit of fettling? http://www.trademe.co.nz/a.aspx?id=595240752

Someone must want this baby.... I am soo tempted but no, must resist.


(60Litre Carboy)

Damn, I wish I lived down in Dunedin now, that's just what I need

It would be far to heavy to bother with wouldn't it?

yep.. it would not be light, still it sounds like someone might fancy it if ye stuck a ten-gallon hat on it.

I am only interested if it is a 60ltr Cowboy... 

hahaha love it

Likewise. :) He showed more restraint than I'd have mustered in those answers!

Classic, yeah imagine a 60 gallon cowboy lol

Not really trademe - but could be of interest to peeps in welly.

Theres an auction at 12 Armidale Street, Petone on Saturday the 8th of June @ 10am. They have 20x 20L and 40L hot water urns. Not sure what they're like but you might get yourself a bargain. (flyer was in my mailbox - surplusbrokers.co.nz)

Also - 31, 36 and 59L SS stockpots as well. 


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