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Understanding extracts and 101 questions - well not quite!


Have probably been 'over-reading' every article on the net and John Palmers "how to brew" and trying to understand everything to the smallest detail.. I have been using the Kit and Kilo approach and ultimately want to get to all grain within a wee while.

I am keen to try some of the recipes using liquid malt extract in the above book but don't quite understand the difference between this and the gloopy treacle like substance in the cans?? Is that also not extract??

Also, where do the guys in CChurch or South Island purchase grains, extract, hops etc..

I've found 3 local brewing shops - Your Shout in Papanui has next to nothing on the shelves - literally and appears to have to order in even the most basic of can...!!!, Aqua Vitae is probably the gruffest customer service experience I've had since arriving here 5 years ago and his opening comment was " nobody is stupid enough to do it like that nowadays(all grain) - they all use cans..I've never come across it" and much as I really like Your Shout in Linwood I find the hops etc in stock to be very very old, boxes falling apart and not always in ideal storage conditions. Once again they favour the cans approach...However are great guys to stand and chat to and generally have a decent amount of stuff for the kit and kilo approach...

Regarding kit. I am looking at buying the following..

Badgering a 50L keg from a rep or buying a 40l pot from a shop
Copper pipe cooler
Burner and gas
+ what else would I need.

Thanks again for your continued help and I suspect this will be first of many question sessions from me.



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They have a brewery with a small store, however all the goods are in the brewery (shed).... you should give them a call first to see if they are there.
Nah, there's no shop there. The guys have all gone on a tour over there and he's agreed to sell a small amount of grain to some of them.
And if you want to get into their good books, take along one or two of your homebrews to share :)
PS: found this copper coil on trademe - would it be any good?
That looks pretty narrow, personally I'd go for the 1/2" or 3/8" rolls he's selling.
I was the same, in so far as I started reading Palmer, on-line then bought the book. That book is my bible now. It's good to have on hand, when you are brewing, in case you get stuck or have a question, much faster than running inside, getting on-line and finding the right page.

As for LME (liquid malt extract), use 1:1, as normal. In fact I would use LME before Dry. I agree with James, throw away the yeast that comes with the kits. If you are staying with dry yeasts, hydrate them first (as per Plamer). Make sure you preboil the water and use a sanitised container. You may even wish to get the yeast going with a bit of extract in your bioled water (boil a bit of extract with the water, mini brew), that way you will be sure your yeast is good and it is already activated when you throw it in the brew.

Go into Aqua vitea and tell him to stick his store up his arse, take a dump on his counter, laugh and walk out.

I live in Auckland and use Brewers Coop, but it sounds like the brewerries might be your best bet. I get a lot of my info from other brewers, and they are really helpfull and a source of knowledge. Otherwise, post here, thats what it's for!

Good luck and happy brewing.
And for hops I recommend you contact NZ hops direct. http://www.nzhops.co.nz/

I've always been impressed with their service. Ask for a price list for both cones and pellets. They are more than happy to sell quite small quantities, and postage is neglibile. I do an order once a year of 6 or 7 varities of pellets totalling a couple of kilos. Then keep them in the freezer until you need them. I keep the half used packs in a plastic container in the freezer to retain freshness.
Have to agree with pretty much everything that's been said.

The 'stuff in the cans' isn't exactly the same as what the recipes call for.

The kit and kilo cans are hopped extract, which means hops, and therefore bitterness and a little hop flavour/aroma, have been added in the process of making the extract. The extract the recipes call for is unhopped extract which is just syrup made from malt only, no hops added so you have to add your own hops in your homebrewery.

Dried extract here is too overpriced, liquid is just as good IMO, just a bit of a pain in the arse to work with. I've used the Black Rock LME a few times and been quite happy with it. The bulk LME that homebrew stores carry isn't too bad but seems to be a little more fermentable.

The How To Brew book does have a little more info than the website and is worth a buy I reckon.

I'd also look into brewing software, BrewSmith is great and quite cheap at 30 - 40 bucks. Makes life a lot easier when brewing all grain and is a good way to keep track of your recipes.

I deal with Brewer's Coop in Auckland, Mike there is great to deal with. I've also heard good things about Dunedin Malthouse, and if you look at his website he's in favour of partial mashing beers.

Hope that helps a little :-)


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