Ladies and Gentlemen start your burners! Entries are now open for the 2008 SOBA National HomeBrew Championship. Entries will close on 31 July 2008. Judging will be done during August and results announced at the SOBA HomeBrewFest, which this year will be during the BrewNZ week - first week of September.
For entry forms and more information please see
129 entries, some very good beers, some not so good beers. Some very surprising beers in the prize round judging. The worst beer (in my opinion) wasnt as bad as the worst beer I judged at BrewNZ this year, the best was phenominal!!
the best was phenomenal! Wow that's exciting! 'Surprising beers' in the prrize round judging....what do you mean by that? crazy ingredients? random styles? Man this exciting i wonder what the next homebrew to be brewed commercially will be! :0)
Permalink Reply by bj on October 2, 2008 at 4:42pm
Any chance we could have an official word on when their might be some results posted? The SOBA newsletter said "results announced in the first week of October". Does that mean the 1st seven days in October? or this week? I know people are busy, but still it would be nice to know the timeframe?
Official Results for the SOBA National Homebrew Championship -
will be announced at the awards party to be held at Bar Edward next Sunday 12th October starting at 2.00pm.
Congratulations to everyone who entered 141 entries in total. Thanks to all the judges - Kieran Haslett-Moore, Brendon MacKenzie, Ben Mulchin and Martin Craig. Thanks also to Ian Caig and Sean Mahony for stewarding.
Thanks to this years sponsors -
Macs All Malt Brewing
NZ Hops
Earls Stainless (earl at
Liberty Brewing
Hallertau Brewbar
See you all at Bar Edward. James has given the OK for a couple of kegs of Homebrew for tasting if anyone has anything special to offer it would be kindly accepted otherwise your going to have to put up with mine.
Permalink Reply by vdog on October 6, 2008 at 12:32pm
For those of us unable to make it to the awards party, what's the schedule for releasing the results? Presume they'll be up here or on the SOBA site on the Monday?