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Can anyone tell me what these are?

I'm guessing Danscade by smell (similar to a pack of cascade). If so that's just NZ cascade right?


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After collecting a large bag and drying I weighed and only had 80g a little disappointing. Thats maybe 1/2 so at least might get 1 brew.


Don't feel too bad about the weight - I picked 5 buckets full that only weighed in at a kilo! After drying it only came out at 300g!!

Too right.  You can't buy 160g of fresh, homegrown hops from your own garden at any price!  Use them where they'll give the best of what they've got (e.g late, whirlpool or dry hopping in a blonde or PA) and savour the experience of drinking a beer you've made with your own crop - not many brewers can claim that.

Just bumping up my question from last year in case anyone has an Idea of what variety they might be.

Sorry Cain I don't. Although Danscade is a close play on cascade. I remember someone saying that they were cascade but when selling they aren't allowed to say what they are as Hops NZ are normally quite controlling of their hops. They are getting out though, I have been given a couple of varieties that people have said are x hop, but then I only have their word to go on! Time will tell of they are what they say they are!

NZ Cascade is not a controlled hop any longer. It was licensed years back and the licensing ran out a while back. Anyone can grow it these days if they can get hold of it.

The licensed varieties (most of the new NZ hops) then you are not supposed to be growing... although if someone happened to have a cutting it is not hard to propagate...

Hey Cain. I'm wondering if you'd be happy to share where you bought your rhizomes? I'm looking at building a hop garden over the next month or two and keen to get a hold of something that's not just smoothcone or green bullet.

Chantals in Napier they had no idea what variety. It may well be smoothcone.


I got a shit crop this year not even going to bother harvesting. If you in Napier your welcome to come round and dig up a bit of rhizome or grab a cutting of the vine. Does anyone know of a reason why you would have to dig up a rhizome rather than take a cutting dip it in rooting hormone and grow it in a pot for a while?

"This supplier has Cascade & Fuggle www.wildabouthops.nz"

The cone doesn't really look Cascade/Danscadeish? I'm told the Danscade will be a bit different from the normal NZ Cascade as Dan from this forum grew it from seed not a Rhizome or cutting so it may have cross pollinated and changed the profile. I grew Danscade for the first time this year and they do smell different to Cascade. Mine smell kind of like stone fruit/peach/nectarine and piney. They should taste pretty good.

Curious to know where you got yours, Tom. I've not been able to find any.


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