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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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And which did you prefer?

excellent i will be in to Bar Edward instead, i love that pub!
I preferred the handpump - it brings the Cascade and Styrian hop aroma out a lot more.

By the way - Emerson's APA should be out in the next few days too.
I asked at Regional and they didn't seem to know when they were getting it....do you have an update?
No idea. I know Craig Bowen at BeerNZ has got some (he's also got a few bottles of last years stock,if you want to see how it aged).

But I do know that Yeastie Boys is all go at D4 now (and I think they even managed to get 2 kegs!).
Craig (BeerNZ) is mostly concentrating on selling craft NZ beers to on and off-licenced venues (pubs, cafes, clubs, bottle stores, supermarkets etc), so hasn't pomoted the public part yet - I hope that post doesn't upset the apple cart!
My APA stock arived from Emersons yesterday. Happy to sell but would be by the case/carton. Email me and I'll let you know rates etc. Same goes for any other NZ beers.
Beerstore should have theirs next week (now I've let them know it's available!)
Yeastie Boys will be at Regionals later next week - just some paper work to sort first. Those in Auckland will have to trek out to Hallertau but it's not their yet, will let you know when.

I've also got the last remaining award winning Invercargill Boysenbeery. Let me know if anyone's interested.

The handpump wins - no contest
Kempy - where were your brains man ?
apparently in my arse! what can i say i had a bad day!!!
Currently drinking a new beer on the market.
It's from Gage Roads (WA) an ale called Wahoo.
I like it...
I'm hearing really good things from all over the place about Gage Roads.
They shouldd name their next beer 'Coogle'.
Stu you've lost me there "Coogle"?
Wahoo is a local fish, a type of Mackerel I think.


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