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Hi guys,
Currently I'm using BIAB and am looking to upgrade my equipment.
I would like to get into a multi vessel system such as HERMS/RIMS to give me more control and learn more about the process.
I've had a look at numerous YOUTUBE vids about building a system however I wondered whether anyone knows of any suppliers with good prebuilt kits. They seem to be quite common in the US however there doesn't appear to be much over here (unless you want to pay thousands - which I don't really)
Would appreciate some advice or pointers as to where I could source something or if anyone is selling one.....
Hi Mike. I guess there are too many variables and the market in NZ is small so there's not many 'one size fits all' prebuilt kits here. A custom made rig need not be too expensive though. Can you answer the following questions:
What batch size do you hope to be able to comfortably brew?
Do you intend to fly-sparge, batch-sparge or no sparge?
Do you require a HERMS feature? (Wort is circulated through a heat exchanger in the first vessel, a HLT, during the mash to keep the temps constant)
Electric or Gas or both?
Do you require the brew stand or just the components?
Will you be using pumps or gravity to transfer wort between vessels?
Thanks for the quick reply Karl.
1. I would like to be brewing 20L initially however I wouldn't be opposed to increasing capacity to 50L.
2. Fly sparge
3. No particular feature required really so HERMS may not be necessary.
4. I am open to either really. Currently use gas but up for suggestions.
5. Yes will require a brew stand
6. I would presume gravity will be the cheaper option so would go with this initially.
Farra offer a complete kit. Sure as heck aint cheap tho! There are a couple of local suppliers of brew kit (mash tuns, kettles etc) so it is not too hard to choose some kit and link it together. You just have to figure out what gear you want and how you want your system to operate.
Both Inibrewsupply.com and Allgrain.co.nz are NZ suppliers with online stores. Karl from Allgrain.co.nz can probably give you a good idea what items you would need to build a system?
Thanks for the intro Ralph :)
In no particular order, you'll need:
So roughly $1100 ish. If you're looking to go single tier, you can add $400 for 2 pumps, and about another $150 ish for a few stainless steel couplings and a few more hoses.
Best of luck.
Sorry dude, the Peoples' Republic of Epuni, Lower Hutt.
Oh, and there's a timber 3 tier rig recently added to Trade Me,
All good advice here - but for another perspective (and there'll be thousands when you ask this sort of question). The standard chilly bins (box design) with a stainless braid manifold are fine - you don't need an expensive Rubbermaid cooler plus or minus false bottom for your mash tun. My standard efficiency fly sparging a 20L 1040-1075 batch with a 45L igloo is 80%. If you see a set up with one of these for sale don't let it put you off buying.
Hey Mike,
We will be selling purpose built frames in the next month or so. We are looking at both stainless and steel. Single, double and triple tier. A bit of work in designing them so they are good value. Also looking at flatpacks and bolt together options which should improve shipping rates.
First two designs are in beta with the engineer atm but on a back burner until we get the pressure lid sorted out on the fermenters.
Might be another option in the wings too, will keep you posted.
If you are after one I'll happily discuss a good price for prototype testing.
Some great advice/options flying around in this thread!
I would also echo what Karl suggested when it comes to getting things welded.
And add that especially when getting fittings welded to expensive stainless vessels make sure that the welder has at least some experience in this area - maybe mentioning sanitary welding or purge welding if you get a blank look grab your vessels and go....
I have seen quite a few welded disasters lately which could have been avoided by a little planning in this department.
Once the stainless is blackened and burnt there is little that can be done to rectify it short of cutting out the burnt section and starting again which isnt always possible/convenient otherwise its probably a case of living with it assuming it doesnt leak.
Of course frame or stand welding need not be sanitary it just needs to be strong and tidy
Yeah these are some of my favourite threads! Especially the detailed understanding from people like yourself that know the ins and outs of using the materials. For me I have to go on my engineers experience which is neat for me and I think he likes it as I give him fun stuff to design (plus a few kegs of beer).
I've had other stuff made though which has been rough as guts so worth getting a test piece made and check the quality with another engineer. That or use a known resource like Chris.
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