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Does anyone have a spare liquid out post for a corney keg they are willing to part with? as I just got a couple of old ballins kegs off trademe and one has two gas posts on it.
I might have a few mate, will have a look tonight, if I do I can drop if off with Hamish at auckland brewers guild club meeting on Wednesday night (the other Hamish, Richards mate)
that would be brilliant, I can send up a courier bag to you, how many $'s do you want for it?
you can have them mate they are just hanging around collecting dust, let me see if they are liquid or gas first though and will go from there
Might be a delay of a day or so, off fishing tomorrow :p
Thanks for that, no panic at all I haven't got room in the fridge yet, so I am just going to use them for conditioning in a spare fridge at the moment
those slants you've got look really good I'll be keen on some of those once I get myself organised a bit better for yeast collection
Hey Hamish,
Just checked and I only have a spare and its a gas fitting, sorry mate.
You want me to have a look with my suppliers to see how much they are? Should be way cheaper than anything here
hey no problems at all, yeah if you could find out that would be great, thanks
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