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Thought it might be handy to have a thread for some of the more advanced brewers to give some advice on recipes.

Let's see how it goes eh...

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Hi Rob / Stu

Is this the recipe you're referring to:

"An early version recipe of this fine beer was posted on the NZ homebrew forum Realbeer.co.nz by one of the Yeasties - Stu Mckinlay - a while back. Its on my to brew schedule this year too!

Stu's American porter .. recipe something like this .. rippa of a beer
Pale 79.00%
Munich 10.00%
55L Crystal 4.50%
Pale Chocolate 3.00%
Chocolate 2.00%
Black 1.50%
1.060 and 55IBU of Sauvin and cascade - but check the cascade thread for more hop detail.

.....25g 11.9%aa Nelson Sauvin at 60min
30g 5.6%aa Cascade at each of 20, 15,10, 5 and 0.

A little tartaric in the mash to acidify without hardening. Soft water allows all those hops without creating too much perceived bitterness. There was a fair bit of dark malt in too, so the mash would have been as acid as a late 80's dance party.
US05 yeast (or Denny's Favorite 50 if you want to try something liquid and different).

Keep us up to date with how you go."

Is this for about 25 Litres?



I e mailed stu after the tasting at pomeroys, and thats what he referred me too, as what he sees as the best PKB recipe... I saw that realbeer recipe after that.

Hi everyone! For my first post I've got an Imperial Rye IPA packed with US hops planned for this coming weekend...

Super RIPA: Partial mash - 15 Litres

2.25 kg  - Light dry malt extract - 45%

1 kg - Light Munich - 20%

1 kg - Rye malt - 20%

0.5 kg Dextrose - 10%

0.25 kg Caramalt - 5%

Mash at 65c for 60 mins

Hopping schedule:

Chinook 50g - 60 mins

Citra 20g - 10 mins

Mosaic 20g - 10 mins

Citra 40g - 5 mins

Mosaic 40g - 5 mins

Simcoe 40g - FO

Citra 20g - FO

Mosaic 20g - FO

Simcoe 60g - Dry hop

Citra 20g - Dry hop

Mosaic 20g Dry hop

350 grams of hops in this baby @ 23.3g per litre! 

Yeast: US-05

Predicted OG = 1.091 (I usually expect low efficiency from BIAB)

Expected FG = 1.016 Presuming around 82% attenuation

ABV 9.8%

IBU: 105

This will be my first time using any of these American hops, and also my first time using rye malt. I'm a fan of the spiciness of rye beers and also the intense hoppiness of Citra and Double Trouble by Liberty and Tuatara. Hopefully this brew will have some great tropical flavours and a pungent US aroma. Also hoping the dextrose should help to dry it out a bit and boost the ABV. 

Anyone got any feedback? I'm in Welly and have just been using tap water without any treatments, but wonder if I will need to do anything to the brew water to get the most out of this one. Cheers guys :)

Yep, pitched two packs and shook it up real good. OG was 1.084 and FG is around 1.014 after over a week. Sample was bitter as hell with very intense tropical fruitiness, citrus aromas, and malt sweetness.

Dry hops went in on Monday night, but I'm wondering if throwing in the remaining 50 grams of Chinook would help bring out more piney resinous aromas to back the Simcoe up, as the Citra and Mosaic might be crowding it out a bit. 

So I've got 200g US Cascade 6.4%, 50g Centennial 9.7% and 50g Chinook 11.1% sitting in the fridge and I want to brew something nice and hoppy. I'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to mixing and matching flavours, but based on Joe's Epic Pale Ale recipe (which I intended to brew but ended up with the different hops) I've come up with this;

20L batch, 6.4% ABV and 47.7IBU according to hopvilles calculus.

3.6kg Muntons Light Liquid Extract

400g LDME

400g British Crystal 90EBC

50g Cascade 6.4% @60min

50g Cascade 6.4% @10min

50g Cascade 6.4% @1min

10g Centennial 9.7% @1min

10g Chinook 11.1% @1min

50g Cascade 6.4% dry hopped

40g Centennial 9.7% dry hopped

40g Chinook 11.1% dry hopped

US05 yeast.

What I'm unsure about is the ratio and amount of hops to add at 1min (or 0min?) vs the dry hops in the fermenter, and if I should be using the Centennial and Chinook in the same quantities. Any suggestions??

So you'd take the Chinook out of the dry hopping completely and use about 30g for the bittering instead of the Cascade to give a similar IBU and make the dry hopping 4.5g /L?

Should I bother with the 10g additions @1min or just go for 50g of Cascade and Centennial dry hopped?

agreed with aidan. Although if it were me, I'd lower the initial bittering, but that depends on whether you want more of an IPA than a Pale Ale.

For a Standard Pale Ale I'd half the addition to 15g. but thats my personal preference. I also add a 30min addition sometimes, depending on my mood.


dry hop is probably a bit much as well.


Would probably lean more towards an IPA, don't mind the IBUs!

So a 30min addition is going to give a mixture of aroma and bittering eh, rather than going 50g @60min then nothing til 10min should I spread it out a bit more (keeping the IBU at a similar level) to give it a bit more something?

How does this sound? Still just under 50 IBU

20g Chinook @60min

10g Cascade 10g Chinook @30min

40g Cascade @10min

50g Cascade, 10g Chinook, 10g Centennial @1min

50g Cascade 40g Centennial dry hopped

that would be my preference... but its really up to you.

do 15 @ 60 and 15 @ 30?

Big IPA' tend to have a good bittering addition and then big late hoping for the aroma and flavour.

TBH that sounds more like what I'm going for, that big hop aroma/flavour, I think I'll go with this;

18g Cascade, 20g Chinook @60min

50g Cascade @10min

50g Cascade, 10g Chinook, 10g Centennial @1min

50g Cascade, 40g Centennial, 20g Chinook dry hopped

49.5 IBU

It will leave me with a little Cascade spare, but hey, I like the smell when I open the fridge!! :P

I personally love Chinook as a dry hop ;) The pine character it brings to the table works so extremely well with the citrus offered up by both Cascade and Centenniel. Good call

Thanks, do you think 20g is enough? I could use more cascade for the bittering to leave mode chinook for the dry hopping.


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