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Just a brief note to let everyone know that Renaissance's 'Elemental' Porter and 'Stonecutter' Scotch Ale are well and truly on top of their game at the moment.

My brother popped around on Friday night with a bottle of each and I enjoyed them so much that I went out on Saturday and purchased some more (I'll check the batch numbers when I get home, to confirm what model I'm drinking - it's very rare for me to drink the same beer twice in a weekend, unless it's my own!). Both beers were much fuller and fresher than I'd ever tasted them before and the Porter, especially, had a much better balance of malt sweetness to carry all of the hops and roast malt.

I've always enjoyed the two Renaissance darker beers but had come across some pretty major issues with the two pale ales (fermentation issues, and possibly packaging ones too) and had voiced them on the old RealBeer forum. The last couple of times I've tried the 'Discovery' APA and the 'Perfection' Pale Ale they appear to have been significantly improved. So, on Saturday night, I also picked up a bottle of Perfection Pale Ale and am pleased to report that this too was absolutely delicious. It was as good as I'd tasted it and one of the better hoppy pale ales I've had recently.

Go Renaissance. I like the gutsy styles these guys are brewing, I'm glad they've managed to stick around this long, and I'm really glad to see their brews hitting their straps. Long may it continue.

Slainte mhath

ps. Rumour is that they are also launching a NZ-style 'Pilsner' soon too. Keep an eye out for it. I guess it may only be on tap at first but we might see it in bottles too.

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By the way, my original comment meant to say how I posted this because everyone is always on here bagging beers or brewery's customer service skills.

This was my little piece of man love - and appropriate seeing that I've been one of the more vocal detractors of Renaissance beers on here.

I was hoping to hear what else is tasting really good throughout the country (but I've enjoyed this time wasting exchange anyway!).
So much man love... what the hell have I stumbled into here??? I might just stumble out again!
You haven't stumbled you've been drawn in....plenty of love to go around! You know i'm all for the man hugs!
Yeah, I'm a convert. I don't even need beer these days.
I always put my shirt on before a man hug.
Hallertau didn't win because it didn't enter any beer.

We have our own beer competitions every Monday morning, once we start winning some of those we will look at sending beer to other comps.

Its not a problem until it leaves the brewery.
But it's so damn good in the brewery. You should keep it there, just so those of us not in Wellington have something to boast about! ;) I'm hanging out for the 11th by the way...
hahaha sour grapes! ;0) that's ok we get hallertau down here at the malthouse.....i had stuntwoman the other day!
While I'm dishing out the man love - Cock and Bull Dark Star is tasting delicious, and on at The Malthouse now. Another non medal winner but who knows if they entered? Who knows if Renaissance did?

Less love from me to the C&B Doppelbock - but it's worth a taste if you are an aspiring autocratic beer judge like myself.
i didn't think it was toooo bad, certainly better than monteiths effort....
Stuntwoman tasted fantastic in the brewery too... ;)
Is it still on at The Malthouse? The combination of high-risk and femininity is very alluring...


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