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Hiya folks!

I would like to start bottling a good amount of my beer from my kegs. The options I see that seem to be best are counter pressure bottle fillers, and the Blichmann Beer Gun.

Unfortunately INI does not have the Beer Gun in stock anymore. However, I think this is probably the way to go for ease of use. So, two questions.

1) Do you know somewhere in NZ or .AU I can order a Blichmann Beer Gun?

2) Is a bottle filler easy enough to use without a second person being there to hold the bottle?

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Thanks Richard.

This is kind of like what I do now. However, I would like to make things easier and purge the air from the bottle with co2. I reckon a beer gun or bottle filler would do the trick. It is just finding one in NZ or AU.

I remember a thread on AHB a few years ago. Good and bad reviews. Do a bit of research I reckon

I have done a bit of reading on it. The counter pressure bottle fillers that are sold to home brewers sound like they are pretty fiddly and do not always work well. Using a rubber stopper and capping on foam sounds like it works at least as well as many of the expensive options out there. 

Michael, if you do happen to buy a system I will be very interested to hear how you get along with it.

Getcha google fingers out Michael, grain and grape in Aussie have them, $115 plus there's accessories too

If you get one, you'll need to do a demo for the North Welly guys

I had a counter pressure filler - they are fiddly and you would need to spend some time working out a convenient system...I have a friend that swears by them but it just seemed like a pain to me.  I got a beer gun and used it for the first time last weekend.  Its great, all that is promised.

I have a beer gun.
Welly guys are more than welcome to borrow it.

Works well, easy to use. Message me if you want to give it a go.

I use a counter pressure filler and it's great - particularly if you need to expel all oxygen from the bottle for long term bottling. 

I plumbed in a short lead of gas hose to one of the existing gas lines with a tee and added a cheap John Guest style plastic shutoff valve that accepts a male John Guest fitting (fitted to the gas side of the filler).  So all I have to do to use is connect up the gas side and than snap on the corny beer connect and I'm all ready to go.

I'll post a photo if that helps.

It's also my solution to overcarbed beers as you can transfer an otherwise foamy beer to the bottle easily and then pour it later - pouring out of the bottle appears to not be as prone to foaming as straight from the tap.

Hey Druid if you could post photos that would be great . Brent i might take you up on the offer as i have a barleywine doing it's thing at the moment.

Here you go.  I find it pretty easy to use - once the rubber stopper is in, it won't move and it's almost a hands free operation (bar switching the levers and tweaking the gas bleed valve).  Not sure you could do the bottling rate the others are talking about though.

and the John Guest gas line terminator

I've used a Blichmann Beergun for bottling all my Kereru Brewing Company beers. I love it. I've gotten to the point where I can happily fill 3 bottles a minute (filling with one hand and capping with the other). 9,000+ plus bottles later and it's still my favourite bottle filler to date.

That's impressive Chris! How long does it take to bottle a full batch? (50ltrs?)


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