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I was very impressed with 8 Wired Saison Sauvin at Beervana, so I decided to brew this, which is nothing like it. It's some kind of golden ale.
2.5kg Pale Malt 74%
0.5kg Carabelge (leftover) 13%
0.5kg Sugar 13%
10g of Pacific Gem at 60min (24ibu)
30g of Nelson Sauvin at flamout
50g of Nelson Sauvin dry hop
S-33 (I would have preferred T-58 but the LHBS was out)
OG 1.056, FG 1.009, 6.3%
As at bottling it has a strong NS nose and front, quite sweet to start with a dry aftertaste.
I too like the Saison Sauvin and with a kg of Nelson Sauvin sitting around and some of the 3711 yeast handed on from a mate I decided to have a crack at something along the lines of it. Turned out at about 8%. Is only a week or 2 in the bottle so far, but should be interesting to try side by side with the real thing. Bottle conditioning may change the flavours slightly too? First taste at a week old and it was tasting pretty damn good!
I've got some 3711 sitting in my fridge, beats me why I didn't use it...
S33 always bottle conditions fast, so I should have some NS goodness in a week.
Zane could you post your recipe for that saison? I love Saison Sauvin and am thinking of making something similar quite soon. I have a few ideas but would love to see your take on it.
Wife's away for the weekend and I've just got to a boil on a double IPA. First late night brew ever actually, Billy Bragg on the radio and drinking down some Saison. Not a bad way to spend a Friday night, although maybe not such a great idea after a 10 hour work day, another tomorrow and an essay due Monday. This is a rebrew of a 1.078 version which accidentally included dark crystal instead of pale and turned out way too sweet. Hopefully this one does the trick. It's pretty similar to the Pliny The Elder recipe that's floating around
1.071 OG aiming for 1.011 FG and 8% abv
168 IBU
Ingredient Amount % MCU When
NZ Gladfield Pilsner Malt 6.700 kg 86.3 % 4.2 In Mash/Steeped
UK Dark Caramalt (Bairds) 0.390 kg 5.0 % 4.6 In Mash/Steeped
German Cara Pils 0.300 kg 3.9 % 0.2 In Mash/Steeped
Sugar - White Sugar/Sucrose 0.370 kg 4.8 % 0.0 End Of Boil
Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
US Columbus 15.2 % 90 g 126.6 Loose Pellet Hops 90 Min From End
US Amarillo 10.1 % 20 g 13.4 Loose Pellet Hops 30 Min From End
US Centennial 9.8 % 15 g 9.8 Loose Pellet Hops 30 Min From End
US Simcoe 13.0 % 25 g 10.2 Loose Pellet Hops 10 Min From End
US Centennial 9.7 % 25 g 7.6 Loose Pellet Hops 10 Min From End
US Amarillo 10.1 % 50 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops At turn off
US Simcoe 13.0 % 50 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops At turn off
US Simcoe 13.0 % 35 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops Dry-Hopped
US Amarillo 5.0 % 35 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops Dry-Hopped
US Centennial 8.5 % 35 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops Dry-Hopped
US Columbus 15.5 % 15 g 0.0 Loose Pellet Hops Dry-Hopped
That looks monstrous - have you got a Billy inspired name for it? Little Time Bomb? Youth of America?
The Milkman of Human Kindness perhaps? Nah, this ones called, "Virtue and Terror". The last one was quite virtuous, but not quite terrifying enough. Hence the 170IBU.
Brewed a small batch of a Belgian Dubbel yesterday for a friends stag doo.
2 kg NZ Pilsner
2kg Maris Otter
0.2kg Caraaroma
0.2kg TF Pale Crystal
0.1kg Biscuit Malt
0.5 kg Muscovado Sugar
15g of Southern Cross at 60 minutes
O.G 1.054 without the sugar. Will be about 1.064 when I add the sugar. Not sure whether I want to boost the gravity slightly more with some table sugar (maybe 250 grams at the most).
The Brewhouse was out of all the usual trappist strains other than a blend that included brett, so I choose 3942 which is a wheat yeast. Would have preferred to use the rochefort strain but the taste of the 3942 starter was pretty interesting-heaps of plum and bubblegum and very tart. Should taste interesting in a big malty beer. I'm thinking this yeast would be a great strain to use for a wit or even a sour beer like Berliner Weise as it seems to have a really tart, refreshing flavour without much phenolic spice.
Yesterday a couple of bottles of ginger beer for the kids.
Today a Two Pot Small Kettle Black for me
Obvious recipe infuence from PKB and also describes the brewing setup
Also brewed it a fortnight ago but ats the very quaffable 1032. Kegged, crash carbed and sampled Friday night, loved it so doing it again today with the active, but dirty '05 slurry from that
78% Pale
12% Dark Crystal
8% Chocolates
2% Black
1038 with NZ Goldings at 60, Cascade after that for 32 IBU and 70gm dry hop
All packed up, great Wellington day, dusting off the bbq for later today
cheers, jt
Looks like a yummy wee beer jt. I was expecting to see some light crystal malt in there. Did you run out or is that deliberate?
Intentional choice, thought I should be using a darker malt in a darker beer .. see how it goes
As for the beaut Wellington day, why didn't anyone tell me about the gentle southerly with steady rain ?
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