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I brewed a blonde ale today with Gladfield Ale Malt. It was my first time using this, so I went with 100% for the grain bill to familiarize myself with its performance and character etc for future brews.

One thing I noticed was that my wort going into the fermenter was cloudy. I use whirlfoc for kettle finings (1.2grams for a 20 litre batch) and have always had crystal clear wort going into the fermenter when using Golden Promise, Maris Otter, Kolsch and all of the Weyermann base malts. I know Gladfield apparently has a high protein content...I'm wondering if this is the issue, or if it is a ph/conversion issue (although I did get 85% efficiency).

Just wondering if anybody has had similar experiences and how they fixed it. Should I simply increase my whirlfloc dosage ?


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I get a reasonable amount of break with the Gladfield lager malt, but it sounds like you're overdosing with Koppafloc to me. I use 0.6 to 0.8g per 20 litre batch. (1/8 tsp?) On the rare occasions I've used more than a gram I get exactly what you've described.

It would be great if your right!  I'll try again next time.  My koppaflock arrived without any instructions so I just chucked in about 1/2 a tsp per batch...guess fail.

Must have been pretty clear though!

Just had a hunt and found where I got my original instructions on dosing with koppafloc from: this blog post by Joe Wood.


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