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Does anybody know if there is someone who makes conical fermentors on the homebrewer scale in nz? or does anyone have expereince with ordering these from overseas? what sort of prices etc

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Thanks Ralph - great tips - always keen to hear other's personal experience re cider brewing. 

Agreed there's plenty of opinions out there - but I'm never sure which ones to trust.  Over time I've put together a summary of suggestions for good cider making that I've heard and seen on various sites from what seem to be reputable sources.  It goes something like this:

  • Use lower attenuating Ale yeast for an English cider flavour, Champagne, Kitzinger or Hock (wine) yeasts for Normandy styles (Apple wine or Apfelwein)
  • Ferment around 15degrees long and low (10-12deg OK for some yeasts depending on recommended temps)
  • Stay sub 6% ETOH
  • Add crab apple or heritage variety juice to increase tannins and non fermentables
  • Condition 4-6 months at low temps (15deg) – possible time for malo lactic fermn
  • Stop ferment at desired FG (around 1005 for some body) with metabisulphate and potassium sorbate
  • Fermentis stopping above 1005 are usually “stuck” and need rousing, repitching and possible addition of nutrients
  • Adjust with Malic acid to lower or CaC03 to raise pH – ideal pH 3.2-3.8 for fermentation
  • Fine and rack a couple of times to reduce yeast load and slow fermentation.
  • Rack around 2 weeks post cessation of fermentn activity
  • Backsweeten if needed with lactose – but better to stop fermentation instead.
  • Allow malo lactic fermentation to take place at around 15deg 3+months post primary fermentation
  • English cider carbonate 1-1.5 vols, Normandy cider carbonate 2+ with champagne yeast
  • Minimise O2 exposure post primary

And this thread on homebrewtalk is worthwhile to see the results of another bloke's extensive yeast and fermentables trials in the US - but I reckon its always good to hear what NZers are doing with local ingredients.  

Thanks for the update... sounds pretty good.

Prototype should be in the oven today so hopefully some photos up this weekend and I get this stuff on the market, just waiting on the final decision from the bank and I'll start looking at sales.


Thanks for everyones patience, been really appreciated :)


I'll arrange an evening for anyone that wants to come and give them a once over next week (Auckland) and get some feed back before they go into full production.

Just brought the prototype home, its awesome!  Seriously heavy duty kit!

Post some photos over the weekend, time for a beer now and look at it some more :p

Hey Liam


I know yer a busy man (filling yer swimming pool with cider and all)... any chance of the photos...?

Not that it subs for a photo Grant - but I saw this over the weekend when Liam took it into Brewers Coop -  I've gotta say its built like the proverbial brick dunny!  ~7mm thick, smooth as plastic with a flat circular section half way up the cone to drill/ mount a racking port/ tap and the lid/ seal is just as heavy duty.  Impressive.

Thanks Tilt.... sounds pretty good.

Sorry guys just got it back tonight, left it with the guys at the shop to mull it over.  Will get some photos up tomorrow.

Thanks Tilt, I must say I am pretty stoked with it.  Its as clean as a whistle, nothing on it that can harbour bacteria and if you ran a car over it you'd need to replace the shocks and bumber - after you had decanted you secure beer of course!

A fermentor your grand kids, kids will enjoy!

Makes a good fog horn too it seems :p

Sorry for the delay, I was hoping to have another tank with the brass threaded lugs in them but that might be a week away yet.

Here are some photos of the first prototype though and if anyone is based in Auckland and like to have a viewing of both the stainless and plastics post here or flick me a pm and I'll arrange a night in the week to catch up.  Maybe down one of the nice microbreweries in town...

There are 4 threaded lugs to be fitted about 30-40mm from the top, these will be 8mm sockets and capable or bolting legs, brackets handles into or whatever you can imagine will help.  Personally I'll be hanging a small vessel here to run my c02 outlet into and a handle.

Hopefully you can see if from the photos but this is one heavy duty tank.  7-8mm thick and once I have some clips made for the lid it should take a considerable pressure so potential to condition in the same tank.

1 1/2" tail pipe needs to be cut down a little.  Made to fit the same size winery flexible hose.  The entire tank is smooth as can be, only parts that can hold dirt can be removed and cleaned or replaced.

Lid and rubber seal.  Again very heavy duty.  

Top of the lid with room for holes as required and two lugs.  These can be drilled out for pipe connections and/or used to secure the lid down.  Very flexible unit.

The flat face in the cone is handy if you want to have another port, means any bulkhead fitting will do and can be removed easily for cleaning.  Personally I think I'll take the beer out of the top or bottom, another port is just another place for grime to build up.

I've built a small jet ejection system to take beer from the top, powered by c02 and will load direct to keg, need to sort out the prototype for that in the next few weeks.

Final one of the whole unit (without the threaded lugs and handle sorry).

I've been in discussion with Brewers Coop so far regards sales and distribution and will be in touch with some other potential suppliers in the next week.  Only fair to discuss pricing once that has taken place.

For the people that want to come and have a look I will have a look at pre orders and try to get some out asap so I can some fed back and make any adjustments before they are ready for retail.  These will be close to cost price and probably wont be branded.

Hope you like it!


Wow! Looks great Liam!! Nice work.

Looks awesome dude great stuff! 


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