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Its the secondary... but I think I should have left it a couple more days in the primary. I was a bit to eager to farm the yeast. (still very active though).


My first post, haven't been brewing for too long. In the primay is my 4th batch, still using extract with grains. On the go at the moment is a clone of one of my favorite commercial beers.

A Fuller's London Porter clone. DME, Crystal malt, Chocolate Malt, Brown malt, Maltodexterin, White Labs WLP002 yeast with Fuggles pellets. On second week in primary at 18c. Struggling to keep temp up in the nights with the sub zero temps in Canterbury, currently have it wrapped up in a sleeping bag!

Awesome, great beer!  18c sounds all good for that yeast. You could try putting it in your hot water cupboard for the last few days of fermentation to make sure it finishes up well and cleans up diacetyl etc.

Rousing the yeast, increasing the temp and pitching more yeast are really your only options.  Given that you've already roused the yeast and increased the temp you're only left with pitching more yeast.

Did it taste sweet?  At 1.054 I would expect it to still taste sweet.

If you choose to bottle it now I would keep a close eye on the carbonation level over time.  Plastic bottles may be a good idea too.  If you have the ability to store them cold after carbonating, you should get away with it though.

Rehydrate some more yeast and pitch it into a small starter (250mls). When you see active fermentation you can just chuck it into the wort and it should start up again. If you just pitch more dry yeast straight into the wort it will probably just floc out straight away, especially considering that there is already alcohol in the beer already.

Just got my first yeast starter on the go ready to brew on Monday:

Brewing a Scottish 80/-

2.55kg Maris Otter

0.45kg Crystal 40L

0.25kg Munich

0.23kg Crystal 120L

0.23kg Melanoidin

0.03kg Pale Chocolate

25g Goldings @ 60 mins

10g Goldings @ 5 mins

White Labs Edinburgh Ale yeast in a 1.2L Starter

Brewed a Northern English Brown today for the next WBC comp. If its a good beer I'll brew it again in a months time or tweak it.

5Kg Maris Otter

500g Torrified Wheat

250g TF Medium Crystal

200g Bairds Amber

200g TF Pale Choc

100g TF Dark Crystal


OG 1052

28g Southern Cross at 60

15g US Cascade at 0

1469 2nd Generation. Fermenting at 17, plan to ramp it towards the end of fermentation

Struggling badly with a cold but managed to get an oatmeal stout down. It's a fairly straight re-brew of the one that got me joint champion beer at the National Homebrew Comp three years ago - I can't believe I haven't brewed it since.

Donkey Oatie Rides Again - Oatmeal Stout

68% Gladfields Pale malt

9% flaked oats (toasted)

6.5% Chocolate malt

4.5% Melanoiden malt

4.5% Crystal 60L

4.5% Roast Barley

2.5% Biscuit malt

Mashed at 70 degrees C, aiming for an OG of 1.058

30g Target at 60 mins for 35 IBUs

Yeast is Wyeast 1469 (West Yorkshire Ale) 2nd gen.

Hopefully this is close to the original which was a little stunner.

Funny,  Just doing some brew planning last night and decided I was going to also brew your Donkey Oatie.  Liked it so much last time I did it a few years back.   I used 1968last time, just waiting for my packet of 1469 to turn up.

The original was brewed with (gasp) S-04 but I wanted to grow up some 1469 for a bigger brew next so I thought I'd give it a bash. Hope yours goes well.

After trying Soren's batch 18 almost a year ago i've had a RIS on my mind. Finally got around to brewing it a few weeks ago and bottled it tonight. Pretty pleased so far although missing target OG by a country mile. (Next time will plan the recipe @ 50% efficiency)


8.00 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM)  36.4 % 

8.00 kg Munich Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) 36.4 % 

2.00 kg Caraaroma (130.0 SRM) 9.1 % 

1.00 kg Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) 4.5 % 

1.00 kg Chocolate Malt (300.0 SRM) 4.5 % 

1.00 kg Dememera Sugar (2.0 SRM) 4.5 % 

0.50 kg Roasted Barley (300.0 SRM) 2.3 %

0.50 kg Black (Patent) Malt (400.0 SRM) 2.3 % 

Mashed at 65°C 

Hopped for about 60 IBU and fermented @ 20°C with S-05


OG 1.090

FG 1.024

2 Kg Caraaroma...bad ass! Looking forward to trying it.


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