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Ok, so What Are You Brewing was a hotty, as topics go.

Now I'm 15 pints into a keg I only filled on Tuesday and wondering if anyone else has a favourite at the moment ?

It's my second brown with US-Oh05 and it's better than the forst, maybe Ikept the temps down a bit during the scorcher we had in januray

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My Black IPA.

I just put it into a keg as a secondary with a 200gm dry hop. Since I had a bit more than the keg could handle, I figured I would drink the extra bit. It seems like it will turn out OK after it is not so green, and the big ass dry hop does its work. 

By the way, I only added CO2 to get the air out of the keg, and then bled it off. The keg is sitting in a 20c temp area, and I plan to leave it there for a couple weeks before transferring to another keg. Although it uses a bit of CO2, I like doing this as it limits the exposure to the air. Who knows if it really helps.

Just finished painting and found a Tuatara XI at the back of the fridge.

Super dark with a tan head , roast / chocolate and a good wack of licorice picked up by my big ol Tongan nostrils.

This beer is kick ass smooth , big flavor and boozy . The drive to pak n save will have to wait a while

Boundary Rd- Pale Ale???

This beer isnt a favorite. Color is darker than I would expect for a Pale Ale.  Average at best. Dont think Ill get again......

Kooinda All Nelson Black IPA.  Says on the label that it has none of the black malt chocolate and coffee characteristics but, it does!  On the nose is sweet and juicy fruit aromas, with a hint of coffee.  The taste is roasty with hop bitterness, not a lot of IPA flavour to it. But, a nice beer.  Might have to compare it (sorry Stu) to a PKB.  Think you get more hops from the PKB.

Had the Stoke Pale Ale. Made me kind of happy in that they listened when I took a sip during a demo and said "this should be one of their 6 packs not a bomber." I think they have toned down their already toned down hops on this one but it could be quite sessionable. I need to try again later on when I haven't started with something hoppier. 

Jacko's Windsor Pale. Nice drop too.
Low carbonation and nice malt combine to make a nice soft mouthfeel, something I as trying to do with the LCPA inspired pale but failed.
That poured nicely Jacko, a cm of head that lasted well. A bit hazy and not a high bitterness, could be the Windsor ?
Nice to have a focus off the hops, cheers Jacko

Cheers jt, I just put one in the fridge to try later this week, the first one I tried was the dregs bottle and there was hop debris everywhere so not a good example of the beer. It did smell nice and motueka like though! Keen to see what the Windsor came out like, I reckon it might be the 9% cara/pale crystal that are balancing the hops out, it has a bitterness ratio of 0.9.Finished at 1.012.

My folks are over from the UK at the moment and with the sun shining all weekend we cracked your Aussie Pale. It was a good quaffer we thought, again a little hazy but there was quite a fair bit of sediment at the bottom of the bottle, longer fridge time might have helped. Fairly bitter we thought but not overly so, Mom said it was strong! I think she meant the hops! We thought it had a good whack of flavour for such a small beer. Reckon you could tweak that to get it where you want. cheers and look forward to tasting the mild.

He he he ... yes I mentioned that the Aussie pale was a bit mis-guided.
Formulated and brewed in haste ... repenting slowly, with every cloudy pint

North Welly RIS ! anyone else tried one recently, Chris, Matthew, Michael?

Mine is still very low on the carbonation, only a slight hiss on cracking the top.
Very liquorice, the roastyness is smoothing out from the last tasting.

Any other tasting notes guys ?

Havent had one for a while but the last was as you say smoother but I didnt get liquorice.

Also seemed less viscous than the first ones?

I have given a few away and had good feedback so far....

Yeah I liked it.

Was low in carbonation, a little lower than I expected.  Pretty smooth, alcohol hidden away well!

Dont remember liquorice, but had that nice mollasses+slight roasty tinge without being over the top.

Nice work guys.  Us South Wellingtonians need to get a response together.  North Vs South brew off? (Dale, Tim, etc - Stu is definitely a south coaster! ;) )

Opened my first Saison last night with the guys at Tonys place, what a little cracker!  Just about to drin my second bottle of the evening!  Brett, I think you will like it!


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