Want to place an ad email luke@realbeer.co.nz
$50+GST / month


Hi all,

Where is everyone getting their silicone tube from? The cheapest I have found is from www.hiq.co.nz @ ~$14 per metre for the 12.7mm ID 1.6mm wall thickness (1/2” ID 1/16” WT). I saw on the craftbrew site that they recommend this is not used for pressure or suction hose (and theirs was actually 2mm wall thickness).

I have also found a source in the US for 30 metres of tube working out at about $15 per meter for the thicker wall 1/2" ID 1/8" WT which is recommended by craftbrew (or $8 for the 1/2” ID 1/16” WT).

The problem is I don’t need 30m and getting it any shorter is not an option with the supplier. So would there be any interest in the remaining 20-25m of 1/2” silicone hose, the prices above could probably be inclusive of postage (if it was only 5 or so people to send to). In terms of timing it would most likely take ~2 weeks to get here from order, then as soon as I get payments I could cut it up and post it.

So is there anyone that would be keen?


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I'd also be up for the $50 option.

Just placed the order, should be 2 weeks shipping.

Sam and Dale your first in line for 0.6m of the 1/8" & 6m of the 1/16" each @ $50.

Anyone else, just let me know.


None for me thanks.  I brewed today with the light duty Craftbrewer silicone tubing and it was good as gold.

Glad to hear! How long have you had the pump for and does it make brew days a lot easier? Still got to set mine up, just got my kegs back from the welders yesterday!

I've had my pump for about 10 days.  Today was the first brew with it.  Brew day was definitely quicker.  I trialled a new 2 vessel setup and process today.  All done & cleaned up in 4.5 hours.  Even had a whirlpool!

Awesome. Have you any details on your 2 vessel setup. I'm running (well will be running) 2 keggles at the moment until I can find the third at a good price. Just got a false bottom made for one, and bottom drains and whirlpool ports on both of them (one I get the 3rd keggle these 2 will be the HLT & BK as they both have hotwater element sockets welded to them).

I'll be creating a blog of my 2 vessel setup with pics and descriptions.

Just checked on the order yesterday, it has shipped and the estimated delivery date is the 23rd (next Thursday), Hopefully my pump will be set up by then and can get stuck in using it. Sam & Dale I'll PM you my contact details soon, anyone else who is interested either reply here or send me a PM.

I'll try get some photos, etc. of the stuff up as soon as possible.


Hey Matt, 

throw me an email if you want sam (at) freewheel.co.nz 

OK guys, the tube has arrived and hopefully I will try some out tonight (hot water only though, damn!). In terms of kinking both seem to be able to turn through basically the same radius before kinking just the thicker stuff is harder to get it to bend so if you laid it out nicely I can't see to many issues, but I guess I'll know more tonight.

So I have gone through and sorted out who has already listed interest in getting some, I will send out PM/emails to these aswell.

Sam - 0.6m of 3.2mm wall thickness & 6m of 1.6mm wall thickness = $50

Dale - 0.6m of 3.2mm wall thickness & 6m of 1.6mm wall thickness = $50

Adam - 3m of 1.6mm wall thickness = $19.50 + postage (I'll try get a cost to you ASAP)

James - 0.6m of 3.2mm wall thickness & up to 12m of 1.6mm wall thickness = I'll get you a price once I know how much 1.6mm is left

So that pretty much means all the tube is gone. If there is more interest I can look at getting some more.

I'll keep updating this post when I get answers from everyone

Cheers guys


awesome looking forward to getting my grubby mits on it :) one step closer to the new rig being finished

Just did the trial, works awesome, got 0.6m of the thick wall into the pump and then a 6m length (bloody long for a single hose) of thin wall from the pump back to the whirlpool. Only leak was where I ran out of thread tape on the whirlpool camlock, damn!

This is with a 85W MD40 pump so it is pretty beasty and no issues with the tube balloning. You do need to be a bit careful with how you lay it out to avoid it kinking but it is not to hard to do.

Hahahaha, just trialing it with boiling water now and I dead head the pump on the whirlpool inlet valve, the hose did nothing. No balloning even under full pressure from the pump! It did leak a bit more from the unthread taped camlock but I doubt that relieved much, if any, pressure at all.




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