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Hi all,

Where is everyone getting their silicone tube from? The cheapest I have found is from www.hiq.co.nz @ ~$14 per metre for the 12.7mm ID 1.6mm wall thickness (1/2” ID 1/16” WT). I saw on the craftbrew site that they recommend this is not used for pressure or suction hose (and theirs was actually 2mm wall thickness).

I have also found a source in the US for 30 metres of tube working out at about $15 per meter for the thicker wall 1/2" ID 1/8" WT which is recommended by craftbrew (or $8 for the 1/2” ID 1/16” WT).

The problem is I don’t need 30m and getting it any shorter is not an option with the supplier. So would there be any interest in the remaining 20-25m of 1/2” silicone hose, the prices above could probably be inclusive of postage (if it was only 5 or so people to send to). In terms of timing it would most likely take ~2 weeks to get here from order, then as soon as I get payments I could cut it up and post it.

So is there anyone that would be keen?


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Yeah probably didn't originally ship internationally, then decided to and forgot about that page. I'll have a look. Cheers.

Nope, just  tried and "no shipping options available".


Hmm... Isn't that what we all want to do?  I guess it depends on your pump.  Seems to be some conflicting info on silicon tubing.  Looks like a good price though.

I bought my hose from http://www.brewershardware.com/Silicone-Hose-1-2.html when I purchased camlocks, and temp probes for my BCS.  

The valve goes onto the thread on the outlet of pump so silicone is not under any pressure while the  valve is closed.

Yep, agree with you Arron. Restrict the output of the pump before the silicone hose.

My pump doesn't have threaded outlets so I was going to clamp the hose to it similar to this:


That is an issue, you can get braid silicone (I think, but it would be more expensive). What pump do you have?

Tempercon MD15R.  I deliberately went for the MD15R as it meets my needs and anything more powerful would put more pressure on the throttled section.  I'll try it with the light duty silicon tubing from Craftbrewer, it worked OK with room temp water.  If it looks like it's gonna ballon I'll wrap it in electrical tape to finish the job.  My other idea is to put the silicon tube inside a larger vinyl tube for support along the throttled section which is only about 5cm long.

I would go with the yinyl tube option for strengthening, I've had elec tape go all sticky and gooey at high temps. I'm thinking an option might be to get in a long length of 1.6mm WT and a shorter length of 3.2mm WT for higher pressure / suction hoses. I'll need to check the cost but I'll try update later today.

I use the 3mm wall stuff for transfer of liquids (recirc etc) and also as the tube in my peristaltic pump.

I think the 1.6mm could be a little prone to kinking especially when hot because the 3mm stuff kinks quite easily

- I guess if you were carefull about routing it that may not be such an issue

So I have gone throught the numbers and might have something that is both cost effective and should work well.

The plan is to get a lot of the 1.6mm wall thickness stuff and a small lot of the 3.2mm wall thickness.


I reckon I could price it at about $30 including postage for:

0.6m of 12.7ID / 3.2WT tube (1x suction hose)

2.0m of 12.7ID / 1.6WT tube (1x delivery hose)


or $40 including postage for:

0.6m of 12.7ID / 3.2WT tube (1x suction hose)

4.0m of 12.7ID / 1.6WT tube (2x 2m delivery hoses)


or $50 including postage for:

0.6m of 12.7ID / 3.2WT tube (1x suction hose)

6.0m of 12.7ID / 1.6WT tube (3x 2m delivery hoses)


There would bea total of 4 of the of the above available, and the remainding 1.6mm wall thickness stuff would be sold by the metre at $6.5 per metre + postage.

At the above prices I have worked out it is the about $1 cheaper than the price at Craftbrewer for the 1x suction/delivery option, about $7 cheaper for the 1 suction / 2 delivery option and about $16 cheaper for the 1 suction / 3 delivery option (and you would still need to pay postage to NZ!)

So now things are a bit clearer for price and stuff, who would be still keen (and again this all depends on if there is enough interest that I'm not left with trying to get rid of metres and metres of tube for the next 3 years).



Hi Matt, i'd be keen to jump in on this all... i'd be up for the $50 option


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