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We have a library, a Newbies discussion, and a recipes discussion. I am adding this thread as a lessons learnt, as I had a good lesson today.

I have this new 3 roller Crank & Stein mill. It really chomps through the grain. However, I have learnt that doing a 3 roller mill with a hand crank really sucks the big kumara! I tried using a drill, but it either went to fast, and the grain did not engage to get milled, or if done slowly, it would bind to the point that it was impossible to hold.

My next step is to look for a motor and pulleys/belts to run this thing. Does Bunnings sell these, or am I better off going online to find what I would need?

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Bunnings doesnt but Mitre 10 Mega does/did - first thing would be to find a suitable motor at a guess 1/3- 1/2 horsepower.

Awesome. Thanks!

This should be a relatively easy thing to do as long as they have the parts, I reckon.

Sorry I meant to say they have pulleys - no motors or belts however.

Trade me would be your best bet for a motor - Mana Bearings in Elsdon have belts and pulleys.

You could also try and garage door motor or one off a washing machine.  Dennis Collins from the Hermit Brewery in the states used one off a garage door - his site seems to be down atm but worth a google another day.

I reckon a garage door one would be slow enough. That is a good idea.

Michael I saw one set when browsing one day that used an angle grinder via a belt drive. Pretty easy to do I would think as you can use the handle attachment points to mount the angle grinder. It needs a big wheel to gear it down though:)

I think they need to run about 2-300 rpm so you have to be careful with power tools or use ones with speed settings.


Googled "grain mill door motor"

Got to love the web haha!

Heaps of links but the one above is pretty sweet


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